Are you snapping your fingers too much? Be alert… otherwise the risk of these diseases may increase

Cracking Knuckles Side Effects: You must have seen many people snapping their fingers in their free time. Perhaps you are also among those people. Many people have the habit of cracking their fingers. Some people like the sound of crackling while others feel happy in snapping their fingers. But have you ever thought how bad this habit can affect your health? You will be surprised to know that cracking of fingers can lead to many physical problems. Not only cracking your finger, cracking your neck and back can also be dangerous.

Cracking the neck and back can cause problems of looseness in the joints, which is called hypermobility. It makes your joints weak i.e. even if you get a small injury on the neck and back, the result can be fatal. Let us know what are the disadvantages of cracking fingers.

What happens when you crack your finger?

Actually there is a special fluid in the joints of the body. When we crack the fingers or any joint of the body (eg neck and back), the gas of the fluid present between the joints gets released and the bubbles formed inside it start bursting. This is the reason why a sound is heard when the fingers are cracked. Many times you must have felt that your joint makes a sudden crackling sound. This happens when you have done a movement fast.

Disadvantages of snapping too many fingers

Health experts believe that if you crack your fingers more, then the grip strength of your hands may weaken and the problem of swelling in your hands may also arise. This is the reason why you should avoid cracking your fingers too much.

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Risk of Arthritis!

Experts also tell that if you do not feel any pain when you crack your fingers, then it means that everything is fine. However, if you crack your fingers excessively then there may be a risk of arthritis.

Why is it fun to crack the back and neck?

When you crack your neck and back, it can release endorphins, which are natural painkillers. We feel from the sound that something has definitely happened. Although in reality nothing like this happens.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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