Are you too caught up in the weight loss craze? Be careful, otherwise this disease will not be cured

Anorexia : Losing weight is one of the biggest challenges these days. Overweight or obesity can cause many chronic diseases such as heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes. That’s why it is advised to keep it under control. Many times people get ready to go to the extent of madness and do anything to lose weight. This condition is called anorexia, which can cause many more major problems. Let’s know everything about this disease…

what is anorexia

This is a type of eating disorder. In which weight does not increase, that’s why people stop eating and drinking. After coming under the grip of this disorder, people make a lot of effort to control the weight and body shape. Because of this, they may have many serious physical problems. Many times, to bring the weight under control, more exercise is also done, which can be dangerous. It is generally considered a mental illness.

How to identify the problem of anorexia

This disorder can have both physical and mental symptoms. In this, the main body weight has to be reduced a lot. Lack of nutrients can cause problems like muscle weakness, fatigue-weakness, low blood pressure or dizziness, coldness of hands and feet, hair loss, menstrual problems, insomnia. This problem can also be identified on the basis of behavior.

Diagnosing Anorexia

Preoccupation with weight, body shape, diet, calories and food

exercising too much

frequent checking of body weight and size

worry about being fat or overweight

not eating even when hungry

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cause of anorexia

Even health experts do not know the exact cause of anorexia. Like many diseases, it can also be biological, psychological or environmental.

The problem of obsessive compulsive disorder has also been seen in some people suffering from anorexia. Such people do not eat food even after feeling hungry. Stress and anxiety problems can also be seen in some anorexia sufferers.

treatment of anorexia

1. Anorexia may require treatment from a psychologist and dietician.

2. Some types of therapy and weight normalizing medicines can also cure the area.

3. Family members contribute the most in the treatment of this disease, who notice it in time and get it treated.

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