Artificial Intelligence: A gift for healthcare – ET HealthWorld

From diagnosis to treatment, from prevention to treatment, Artificial Intelligence has made many things possible that were previously impossible, he writes. Dr. Anuj Kumar Bharti

The goal of technological development is to improve the quality of human life – and for this, it is the artificial intelligence that is playing a great role in every aspect of human life. An important area in this regard is good health care, which is making strides by leaps and bounds due to advances in artificial intelligence.

From diagnosis to treatment, from prevention to treatment, Artificial Intelligence has made many things possible that were previously impossible. Artificial intelligence, if broadly classified, can be known for two main purposes: prediction or prognosis, and identification or judgment – these are the two main functions that a medical specialist performs for a patient.

Early stage disease diagnosis is a boon for the patient as it gives time for the disease to heal. Recent research from University of Texas Suggested that disease prognosis using natural language processing is only possible through historical health records. Whether it’s a brain disorder or diabetes or a very dangerous cancer – early detection of the disease is specified by gene data, or using artificial intelligence on diagnostic medical imaging / signals, or simply by electronic health records.

The other aspect – identification – for example, the malignancy of a brain tumor just by looking at an MRI image, goes beyond finding out if the tumor is malignant, as artificial intelligence algorithms are also able to detect the type of cancer. In it. Nowadays, artificial intelligence systems can detect heart disease, brain disease, genetic disease, cellular disease, etc. by simply processing electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, MRI, PET, gene expression data or CT scan without any in vitro tests.

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Artificial intelligence also provides a better healthcare experience in the form of smart devices. Used with the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence is now improving human life with compact and mobile devices. For example, these devices are capable of tracking the basic needs of the human body for a serious disease like Alzheimer’s and are also able to provide appropriate therapies for various brain disorders.

Going one step further, an explanatory artificial intelligence also comes with an explanation with its decision for its acceptance. Dr. At Shinji’s Kundu Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA, pointed out in the journal Nature Medicine that artificial intelligence should be explained in the field of medicine. Explainable AI is gaining the trust of researchers, and it can be expected that in the near future, your smart device will be able to tell you about future risks to your health with proper explanation.

(The author is an assistant professor, Computer Science School Engineering and technology, Bennett University)


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