‘As a fitness professional, this is what I want to say about THAT Nicole Kidman cover.’

No judgment. She was just asking.

Being in the fitness industry, I applaud and appreciate the message this image communicates and the conversation it creates about age, ability, and possibility. To me it’s never been about seeming East – because frankly, I don’t think even Nicole Kidman looks exactly like that. As Cindy Crawford once joked, “Even I don’t wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.”

Other comments related to this image include, “this is not an invitation to comment on her body.” If I may open a can of worms here: The pose you are striking is a traditional bodybuilding pose to deliberately show off and exaggerate muscle size.

Drink. Turning off social media comments as we speak.

Other valid comments that have been doing the rounds are about the link between appearance and health, such as “she looks so healthy!” A fair decision, you can’t necessarily assess someone’s health just by looking at them; There could be a host of mental and physical challenges just below the surface of a seemingly “healthy” body. Health does not seem like a specific thing.

Listen to Mamamia Out Loud, a Podcast three times a week that is smart, often silly, and sometimes surprising. The story continues below.

Frankly, right now I’m drooling at the idea that strength training is back in the conversation.

And not the “strong is the new skinny” conversation. The kind of strength training that prepares your body to perform everyday tasks. The kind of strength training that allows you to maintain independence as you age. The type of strength training that has associated mental and social benefits.

  How to Get Fit on a Budget

And shit, what if a byproduct of that strength training is some biceps and you want to show them off? Then strike a damn pose!

Read more about Maria:

Maria has been a fitness industry professional since 2005 and currently owns UBX Boxing + Strength in Belconnen. His book, 12 Hours in the Life of a Fitness Pro (Because I’m Too Tired for the Other 12), is available for pre-order
now. Marie is a qualified personal trainer, Les Mills group fitness instructor, CrossFit trainer, and Pilates teacher.

Featured Image: Tina-Nikolovski/Instagram @zhonglin.

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