‘As simple as that’: Lose weight without cutting any food from your diet

Hayley Madigan is a health, body confidence, and fitness guru who preaches healthy living and self-love. She shares her experience on her Instagram account. @hayleymadiganfitness where he has almost half a million followers.

She had a simple message for dieters. Hayley told Express.co.uk: “In order to lose weightwe need to consume fewer calories than our body burns.

“If we eat more calories than we burn, we get fat, it’s as simple as that.”

However, cutting out and limiting foods is not the way to approach weight loss, Hayley, who recently detailed her favorite weight loss breakfast to keep you “full longer” – he said.

She continued, “It’s important to note that you don’t need to cut any foods out of your diet when you’re on a weight loss journey.

READ MORE: Breakfast to keep you ‘full longer’: ‘Curb hunger’ while in a ‘calorie deficit’

How can someone eat fewer calories while still eating?

Hayley said: “To support a calorie deficit, it’s wise to cut back on high-calorie foods or meals, especially if you know you’re overeating or can’t control yourself around them.

“For example, almonds contain more than 600 calories per 100g, but they are also a great food to eat as they contain vitamin E, healthy fats and protein.

“However, to maintain a calorie deficit, ideally you should consume a low amount, such as 40 g or a palm of almonds.

“So if you think you’re eating healthy but don’t understand why you’re not losing weight, it may be because of portion sizes.”

The expert talked about her favorite breakfast to keep you full until lunch.

  The best foods to feed your gut microbiome

She said: “When thinking about what to eat for breakfast, first make sure you enjoy it, and second, eat a high-protein meal to keep you full for longer.

“My favorite breakfast is a bowl of bulk peanut butter oatmeal and a smoothie made with a scoop of bulk pure whey protein, a handful of frozen berries, and a cup of water.

“This is a great example of a high-protein breakfast that sets me up for the day, keeps me full while adding slow-release carbs and fiber from the oats, and antioxidant properties from the berries.”

Another weight loss guru, Dr. Micahel Mosley shared his cauliflower rice recipe.

He told his followers: “I have fallen in love with cauliflower rice.

“Just grate some cauliflower and microwave it for a minute.

“Low carb, low calorie, packed with nutrients, inexpensive, and very tasty. Great for soaking up sauce.”

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