Attention This serious disease can be caused by using the phone for more than 3 hours, reveals Brazilian researcher

Side Effect Of Persistent Use Of Smartphones: Smartphones, computers have never been more important than ever. Staying on screen beyond a limit is not free of danger for people of any age but with the COVID-19 pandemic, the massive shift to digital We all have been made dependent on our smartphones, computers or other devices. School or office work is highly focused around the use of smart devices. The bad effect of which is in front of our eyes. Excessive use of smartphones is gifting us with many diseases. Due to being in contact with the screen, we are in bad posture. We sit, due to which there are other health problems including the problem of severe back pain.

Using a smartphone for more than 3 hours is dangerous – study

This is evidenced by a group of Brazilian researchers who identified several risk factors for spinal health, including sitting or lying on the stomach and using screens for more than three hours every day A report published in the Scientific Journal revealed that using smartphones for more than 3 hours a day can cause back pain or poor posture in teenagers.

Study focuses on thoracic spine pain

The study focused on thoracic spine pain, the thoracic spine located behind the chest that extends from between the shoulder blades and below the neck to the pelvis, in 14- to 18-year-olds in their first and second year of high school. Male and female students were included. 1628 students participated in it. Research has shown that girls are more affected by thoracic spine pain than boys. The study says, the prevalence of thoracic spine pain (TSP) varies by age group in the general population around the world Prevalence rates range from 15% to 35% for adults and 13% to 35% for children and adolescents. Clearly, this issue has become worse as the use of electronic gadgets increased exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey also concluded that children and adolescents with back pain are more sedentary, perform worse academically, and have more psychosocial issues.

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Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

read this also: Keep doing this work at home along with medicine and exercise, the disease will be cured soon! Information revealed in research

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