The 3 Best Breakfast Habits to Keep Your Brain Sharp, Dietitians Say — Eat This Not That

The 3 Best Breakfast Habits to Keep Your Brain Sharp, Dietitians Say — Eat This Not That

Eating smart throughout the day is obviously best for your overall health. However, there is no doubt that there are many benefits to making sure you are eating a proper breakfast. As the Cleveland Clinic notes, studies have shown that eating within the first few hours after waking up can increase energy levels, be beneficial … Read more

8 reasons you’re not losing weight when you give up alcohol for dry January

8 reasons you’re not losing weight when you give up alcohol for dry January

Despite the perception that quitting drinking inevitably means losing weight, this is not always the case. Shutterstock Sure, many people lose weight if they drink far fewer liquid calories, they sleep longer and better, avoid late-night fast-food bingeing and hangover burgers the next day. But it’s also common to maintain or gain weight, at least … Read more

7 reasons why THIS snack food is the best option: Weight loss promoter, fibre-rich, yummy, low sugar alternative

7 reasons why THIS snack food is the best option: Weight loss promoter, fibre-rich, yummy, low sugar alternative

A snack you can happily eat to your heart’s content | Photo Credit: iStock Images Key points When it comes to snacking, the items we eat can make a difference in our health. Unhealthy potato chips (mashed potatoes) and any other crunchy fried foods will add calories to your diet. How about a snack that … Read more