Back pain making it difficult to walk? Know these important things

Types of Back Pain: Back pain includes back pain, lower back pain and back pain. However, the cause of pain in every part of the back is not the same. Only after examining the possible causes of pain in the part of the back and waist, your doctor is able to tell correctly about what is the cause of this pain. If you know the cause of your pain, then you must know two things about back pain.

There are mainly two types of back pain, first specific and second non-specific. That is, in the first pain, the reason for the pain is a particular situation. For example, any serious injury, damage to the spine, more damage to the muscles. Whereas in other types of pain, the exact and clear cause of pain is not known. Doctors can tell about this only after a checkup and some tests if necessary. Because this pain can also be due to hernia, due to any tumor and also due to increased internal inflammation. Or Osteoarthritis can also be the reason for this.

Do not ignore back pain because of this

Most people have another type of back pain. That is, its non-specific, due to which the reasons are not known. That is why it is being said that the more you ignore the back pain, the more serious your problem will become. All the possible causes of other types of pain mentioned here tend to get more severe with time. Therefore, if you do not know the reason for back pain, then do not delay in going to the doctor. So that early treatment can be started by detecting the problem on time.

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Possible causes of non-specific lower back pain

When there is pain in the lower part of the waist, but there is no clear reason for the pain, then first of all you should look at these reasons. Is there any of these problems because of your pain?

  • wrong way to sit
  • driving long distances everyday
  • Doing exercises related to the waist repeatedly and for a long time.
  • due to pregnancy
  • You have gained a lot of weight.
  • to be under stress
  • due to therapy

As soon as you know the cause of your pain, it falls into the specific category and your doctor will give you medicines, prescribe exercises and give information related to posture or movement according to the problem. All these cure your pain completely.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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