Be careful of constant pain around the eyes, you could go blind.

Nowadays, most people keep their eyes glued to their computers, mobile phones, laptops, and televisions for hours. Due to this, many eye problems start at an early age. One of them is the disease of syndrome I. Nowadays, most people are affected by this disease. In “dry eye syndrome,” a person may experience dry eyes. This problem occurs when the tear production process in your eyes starts to slow down. However, having dry eyes can lead to many eye problems. Many of its early symptoms are also visible. It is very important to treat it on time.

network 18 According to Mohammad Saqib, professor of the eye department at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, AMU, when tears evaporate too quickly, the problem of dry eyes begins. This problem can happen to both humans and animals. Due to this, swelling of the eyes can also occur.

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Its effects are different on each person.

Healthy eyes produce tears. It is constantly covered with fluid. This is called the tear film. Human eyes are designed in such a way that they remain in this position every time you blink. This does not cause dry eyes and also helps to see properly. If the tear glands produce less tears, the tear film remains unstable. It may soon break. This is why dry spots may form on the surface of the eyes. If tears start to be produced less, there is a problem of dry eyes. Many types of eyelid problems can also occur.

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Eye pain and watery eyes can be symptoms of dry eyes.

In this condition, pain and watering may be felt in the eyes. Dry eye syndrome can cause severe eye pain. Sometimes, this pain is so severe that it can make you very uncomfortable. Sometimes, it also feels like something is stuck in the eye. There may also be symptoms like dry eye syndrome.

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This is a serious disease. If you see its symptoms, it should be treated from time to time. To avoid this disease, people should reduce the use of screens. If there is a very important work, work only on the laptop. Keep resting your eyes by taking an interval of 20 minutes. You should blink for some time.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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