Be careful tea lovers, these diseases secretly go home

Tea Market: You must have seen the lovers of tea. His eyes do not open in the morning without a cup of tea. Some people are so fond that they need to ship tea every hour. Some get energy by drinking tea and some get relief from tension, but do you know that if you are fond of drinking more tea, then you are giving invitation to many diseases yourself. What diseases are at risk from tea? Let’s take a look at this

increased blood pressure
A couple of teas a day are fine. But if you are drinking more tea then it can cause increase in blood pressure. Doctors say that if you already have a disease like blood pressure, then do not drink tea at all. It can rapidly increase blood pressure.  This can cause a lot of damage.

Heart can be damaged
Blood pressure is directly related to heart. Blood pressure simply means maintaining the blood pressure. If the blood pressure is high, then the pressure on the heart starts increasing. When the pressure increases, the heart pumps blood faster. This sometimes increases the size of the heart and there is also a possibility of heart attack.

Building of Acid
Drinking too much tea leads to the formation of acid problems. Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning can aggravate this problem. When gas is produced, the stomach starts bloating. Digestion system becomes weak. If there is more tea, all the organs of digestion are affected. Serious intestinal infections can also occur.

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There may be a lack of water
If you are fond of drinking more tea, then it can also cause lack of water in the body. This can cause dehydration problem. Sometimes people also use caffeine in tea. This causes this problem.

Disclaimer: The methods and methods mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions. Before following any treatment/medication/diet and suggestion, please consult doctor or relevant expert.

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