Bella Hadid opens about her mental health struggle, calls it excruciating & debilitating

As Bella Hadid’s crying selfies created a stir among fans a while back, she recently opened up about her mental health issues, describing them as excruciating and debilitating. She even talked about the daily struggle she was going through and revealed how difficult it was for her to leave the house and put together an outfit.

bella hadid She shared a series of her crying selfies a while back and talked about her mental health and stated that self-help and mental illness/chemical imbalance were not linear and were almost like a roller coaster of obstacles. Read on below to learn about Bella Hadid’s daily struggles dealing with mental health issues.

Bella Hadid on her mental health

According to the WSJ magazine, bella hadid she was candid about her mental health and talked about how she hadn’t had a stylist for about two years. In addition, she added that she was in such a strange place mentally that it was really difficult for her to leave the house and put together an outfit, especially with the anxiety of the paparazzi to be outside her.

In addition, she also talked about how before it was very important for her to learn that even if people talk about her style or whether they like it or not, it doesn’t matter, because it’s her style. She then said how in the present, when she leaves the house, what she thinks is: Does this make me happy? Do I feel good in this and am I comfortable?

“In the last year, it was very important for me to learn that even if people talk about my style or if they like it or not, it doesn’t matter, because it’s my style. When I leave home in the morning, what I think is: Does this make me happy?Do I feel good in this and am I comfortable?She stated.

Bella Hadid further stated that she was in excruciating and debilitating mental and physical pain, and that she did not realize the reason behind it. Furthermore, she revealed that it was happening in the last three years. Referring to the crying selfies of her that she posted online, she said: “When I posted them, it was to make sure anyone who felt that way knew it was okay to feel that way.”

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Saying goodbye, she revealed that she was in a better place and doesn’t feel depressed or have as much anxiety as she usually does. “But she tomorrow she could wake me up and [be] just the opposite. That’s why I feel so overwhelmed,” she added.

Image: Instagram/@bellahadid

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