Bettering mental well-being by helping change unconscious mental patterns

By Antano Solar Juan

With 2,628,288 seconds in a month, there are about a million thoughts that run wild in a human mind. It is never idle. Every second, it is continuously processing something. Imagine, about a million thoughts, continuously going through your mind, over and over and over again! And the result of your learning, your performance, your happiness, the way you feel, are all a sum of these millions of thoughts that play in your mind.

Have you ever stopped and wondered, what if you could take a look at how these thoughts are formed and how we use them to choose and design thoughts that your mind can automatically reproduce? If we are able to replace anxiety-inducing thoughts with the aspirational results we want in the future, it becomes a internal drive motoralways leading us to dust it off and move towards the bigger vision we have in life.

And perhaps that is what India needs in its next phase of growth and development. According to the WHO, mental health problems have resulted in a burden of 2,443 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 10,000 population. Furthermore, the age-adjusted suicide rate per 100,000 population is 21.1. In total, mental health conditions are expected to cause economic losses of up to USD 1.03 trillion between 2012 and 2030. Therefore, it becomes more imperative than ever to have reliable, innate and permanent changes in unconscious mental patterns, conducive to to general mental well-being.

Breakthroughs: Autonomic Changes in Unconscious Mental Patterns

How do you feel about things that happened in the past, how do you feel about things that are happening in the present, and how do you feel about things that will happen in the future? What if you could engineer feeling and thinking in a way that uses the wealth of your conscious and unconscious resources to help you produce the results you want in life?

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We call these things that happened in the mind, untamed and uncontrolled, as unconscious patterns. By changing unconscious thoughts, you can change your feelings and emotions. And if you change your feelings and emotions, your body is more likely to produce endorphins, or happy hormones, which naturally leads to better mental health.

Essentially, a mental breakthrough changes unconscious mental patterns causing changes at the level of human biochemistry and neurology!

How do you change these unconscious mental patterns?

The first step in changing unconscious mental patterns is to manually discern and select the unconscious patterns. This requires superior predictive intelligence, to cut to the chase, silence the noise and, with precision, identify the most challenging mindset or pattern. After that, it’s a matter of using the most advanced and nuanced techniques for innate breakthroughs.

The reason people use thought control methods or affirmations is because it is training them to have control over their thoughts. But when you are not meditating, the thoughts that come, they happen automatically. This means that the mind needs better conditioning and reprogramming.

Through cutting-edge advances in the world of personal evolution, such as Installation Excellence Technology (EIT), we can teach the involuntary system to replace disempowering or anxiety-provoking thoughts with aspirational outcomes in life, empowering it so in the direction of your dreams. .

Mental wellness meets predictive intelligence!

The predictive intelligence of EIT packs in the wisdom and intuition of the changing life trajectories of thousands of motivated people. It allows us to discern which unconscious mental patterns to follow, those that preserve what makes an individual rare and unique and yet help them build the missing arches. Rather than simply correct limitations, this approach seeks to fill in the weirdness of people, helping them bring their unique impact to the world.

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In fact, predictive intelligence is a superior ability, possessed by some of the greatest world leaders and revolutionaries. Somehow, they had a head start, a short window of time that caused them to act ahead of time and course-correct their own life trajectories and that of the people around them.

Based on the principles of predictive intelligence and integrated life outcomes, EIT is one of the latest and most effective technologies that helps change unconscious patterns, disrupt resourceless patterns, and install useful patterns that have a positive long-term effect.

(The author is a co-founder of Antano & Harini Legacy Accelerators. The opinions expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of

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