Bikini mum faces fierce backlash for building luxury gym open to her only

Fitness influencer Sophie Guidolin says she has received massive backlash for her new “virtual gym”.

The 32-year-old mother of four from Queensland, Australia created the space so she could film workout routines for her 500,000 Instagram followers and subscribers of his online fitness course The Bod.

It features a premium training kit from the specialists AlphaFit and is designed to match The Bod’s hot pink branding.

But, Sophie says, some former fans criticized her decision to buy a room to use as her own personal gym. She has been called “out of touch” because no one else can access the gym.

The space is equipped with everything an aspiring gym bunny needs, but it’s just for Sophie.

“I haven’t always had the ability to work out in a gym and I understand the battle many women face when it comes to working out,” she told the Daily Mail.

She says the new space, which cost her about AU$100,000 (about £53,000), will allow her to share her fitness expertise with busy women around the world who may not be able to get to a gym.

“To make sure I can provide new workouts and challenges for all The Bod fans online, this will be a space where I can show them how to train, work out virtually together and more,” she says.

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Sophie has turned her obsession with diet and exercise into a full-time job.
Sophie has turned her obsession with diet and exercise into a full-time job.

Sophie says she was inspired to research nutrition in her late teens after developing gestational diabetes while expecting her first child.

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After experiencing massive weight gain while expecting her second child, she became addicted to the burst of exercise and has shared her love of exercise with the world, writing nine diet and exercise books and launching her own Flourished and Fulfilled, too. like the online fitness and nutrition program, The Bod.

sofia broke up with married at first sight‘s Jake Edwards last year and is currently believed to be dating Gold Coast police officer, Hayden Sumners.

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