Black neck will be cleared in a pinch… just do these 5 remedies sitting at home

How To Get Rid Of Dark Neck: Women or men take great care of their face. They wash their face every morning and evening but forget to clean their neck. In such a situation, gradually dirt starts accumulating on it and it starts to age. It is not only ugly to look at. Rather, it suppresses the beauty of the face. In such a situation, people use skin whitening cream. But the blackness of the neck remains as it is. Telling that the problem of blackness can be removed. Let’s know

home remedy to clear black neck

1.Applying gram flour and lemon paste can remove the blackness of the neck. For this, take one spoon of gram flour in a bowl and add the same amount of lemon juice. Apply this paste on the black neck and leave it to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. After this, clean it by scrubbing it. Using it regularly can make your dark neck fair.

2.Honey and lemon paste can also prove to be very effective in cleaning the black neck. For this add honey lemon juice and apply this paste on the neck with light hands. Leave it on the neck for at least 15 minutes. After this wash it with normal water.

3.Dark neck treatment is also done with turmeric and milk. To prepare this pack, mix one spoon of milk and a pinch of turmeric in one spoon of gram flour. Apply this pack on the neck and leave it to dry. Then wash it after scrubbing after 15 minutes. Using it for a week will clear your neck.

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4.The scum deposited on the neck can also be removed by applying a pack of turmeric and curd. For this, make a thick paste by mixing one spoon curd, two pinches of turmeric, juice of two to three lemons, two to four spoons of milk. Apply it well on the neck and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash the neck with water. If you use this pack twice a week, your neck will start to clear.

5.The blackness of the neck is also removed by using tomato. Because skin lightening properties are found in it. To use it, one spoon of oatmeal, four to five spoons of milk and one powdered tomato. Mix everything well and apply it on the neck. Then leave it to dry. When it dries, wash the neck with clean water. Using this pack two to three times a week will solve your problem.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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