Bleeding from the nose, have you become a victim of this serious liver disease?

Fatty Liver Symptoms: Liver is a big part of the digestive system. If there is a slight disturbance in the liver, then the digestive system gets completely disturbed. All the symptoms like lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, stomach is not clear. One such liver disease is fatty liver. There are two types of fatty liver. One is alcoholic fatty liver, the other non-alcoholic fatty liver. But having a fatty liver is one of the major diseases occurring in this organ. Like other diseases, symptoms of fatty liver start appearing. It is just necessary to identify them on time. Fatty liver has a special symptom. He too needed to know.

nose bleeding symptom of fatty liver

If someone has liver disease, then he may also have the problem of bleeding from the nose again and again. This disease is also called Epistaxis. Excessive bleeding from the nose can also happen because the body becomes more sensitive to blood clotting. In this, there may also be injury and bleeding of the gums.

These symptoms may also appear

Apart from nose bleeding, other symptoms can be seen in liver cirrhosis. Symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, muscle damage, liver pain, skin yellowing, hair loss, swelling can be seen. Talking about serious symptoms, these include personality changes, sleeplessness, memory loss, confusion, inability to concentrate anywhere. The brain can be badly affected in this disease. The reason behind this is that the liver removes a lot of toxic substances, but when its working capacity is affected, then the toxic substances start affecting the brain itself.

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This also causes fatty liver

It is not that fatty liver is caused only by bad eating habits or excessive drinking. There are many reasons behind this. These include being obese, having type 2 diabetes, being insulin resistant (such as polycystic ovary syndrome). Apart from these, fatty liver can also be caused due to underactive thyroid, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or metabolic syndrome (combination of diabetes, high blood pressure).

This is how the liver gets disturbed

No symptoms are visible in the beginning of fatty liver disease. Due to lack of information, fat is continuously formed in the liver. This causes swelling on the liver. This is called non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Persistent inflammation can lead to scarring of the liver, which is called fibrosis. If untreated, this problem turns into liver cirrhosis. In this condition the liver shrinks. With the wound on it, the shape becomes lumpy.

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