Bodybuilding Legend Ronnie Coleman Shared the Pre-Contest Diet He Ate to Get Shredded

Ronnie Coleman is one of the all-time greats in the world of bodybuilding, surpassing even Arnold Schwarzenegger himself with a streak of eight consecutive years as winner of the coveted Mr. Olympia title. And he attributes his extraordinary success to the team that he had around him.

“I tell people all the time that the reason I was so successful in bodybuilding was because I was surrounded by great trainers and nutritionists.” Coleman, now retired, said in a recent conversation with men’s health. “I think it’s about knowledge and being willing to learn for the most part. The more knowledge you have, the better off you are.”

In a new video on his YouTube channel, Coleman gives his subscribers a look at the nutrition side, sharing everything he eats in a day and what he used to eat on an average day as he prepared for IFBB competition. like Mr. Olympia.

The day begins with half a cup of grits and two cups of egg whites. Coleman explains that while he’s preparing for a contest, the egg whites will be swapped for a protein shake, but otherwise “every meal is pretty much the same.”

This is followed by chicken with baked potatoes or rice and beans: in other words, bodybuilding staples. The video also shows Coleman taking a truly staggering amount of supplements.

“In my opinion, the basics are a multivitamin, amino acids (BCAAs) and whey protein isolate,” he said. mh. “The isolate has fewer calories and is easier to digest. There are others, of course, but those, in my opinion, are essential. Food is obviously very important too, but I do not put one over the other. You have to pay a lot Pay attention to both of you.”

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