Boiling milk quickly is dangerous for health! Know why the nutritionist said this?

Monday is a very hurried day. Because many special works are kept for this day. Even if you are in a hurry to go to office, milk should never be boiled and drunk in haste. If you do this, then stop doing this work from today itself. Because your attempt to boil milk quickly can reduce its nutritional value. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra recently told in one of his Instagram stories why one should not try to boil milk quickly.

He told that by boiling milk quickly, the natural sugar present in it gets burnt and whey protein can explode. Not only this, due to quick boiling, the milk may get burnt and stick to the utensil. By boiling milk on high flame, foam is formed in it, which spreads it everywhere and your stove can also get dirty. That’s why heating milk on medium flame is the best option. If it is about to come up and fall, then stir it with a spoon to stop it from flowing.

Disadvantages of boiling milk quickly

On boiling milk quickly, the water present in it starts evaporating and nutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates start separating from it. By allowing milk to be heated slowly, the water present in it does not burn nor does it cause loss of carbs, fat and protein. According to health experts, cooking any food on high heat destroys the essential nutrients present in it. Since milk is a treasure of many essential nutrients, precautions should be taken while boiling it.

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avoid over boiling

Boiling milk helps in killing harmful bacteria and other pathogens present in raw milk. Milk should neither be boiled quickly nor should it be heated for a long time. When you see bubbles of milk rising from the sides of the pan, turn off the gas and do not over boil. The more the milk is heated, the more are the chances of protein destruction. Not only this, the taste and color of milk also changes by cooking on high flame.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

read this also: Say NO to these things including protein bars, processed meats! If care is not taken then the problem will increase.

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