Brain care is emerging as a wellness category

There’s a new wellness trend in town.

Self-care took on new meaning in 2020, when many people were stuck at home, some in solitude. Even after coming out of lockdown, many have retained their new perspectives and understanding on issues like work-life balance. In the case of wellness, the focus has been on mental health, giving way to a new term called “brain care.”

“Brain care encompasses all of the mental, physical, and social activities that promote healthy brain development as you age,” said Dr. Bowen Jiang, MD, neurosurgeon and wellness advisor for No. 8 Brand, who launched with nootropic gummies in October 2021. No. 8, which counts Halle Berry as a supporter, recently promoted the product through an event hosted at The Wing. “Like our muscles and other parts of the body, the brain can grow new cells and form new neural connections through repeated use and exercise, a term we refer to as neuroplasticity.”

nootropicsOften referred to as “smart drugs,” they are cognitive enhancers and a key component of the growing category of brain care. “These are a class of substances that can enhance brain performance,” said neuropsychologist Dr. Sanam Hafeez, director of the psychology practice at Comprehend the Mind. “They are also known as memory-enhancing substances or cognition enhancers.”

ADHD and Alzheimer’s drugs are two of the best-known prescription nootropics, as their stimulant effects can enhance brain performance. Creatine and caffeine are examples of non-prescription substances that can have similar results. Although they are not used for brain diseases, they can positively affect memory, thinking and other brain functions, Hafeez said. As for other cognitive enhancers, such as memory-boosting supplements, Hafeez said there isn’t enough data on whether they’re effective or safe.

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The New Co., Goopand wellness and meal delivery company sakara life all have offered nootropics. This association with beauty and wellness brands has contributed to the rebranding of nootropics. What used to be seen as a biohacker’s way of achieving productivity is now a wellness expert’s tool for achieving a state of meditative flow.

Brain care is different from and deeper than self care, according to Dr. Jiang. He describes self-care as “a conscious act someone does to improve her well-being, that nurtures you and makes you feel connected and cared for.” Brain care, on the other hand, deals with events that impair brain health, both neurological and mental health, and affect the ability to pay attention, solve problems, and resist stress.

The concept for No. 8, which is sold primarily on its DTC e-commerce site and at select Four Seasons hotels, stems from Chinese culture. The number eight symbolizes harmony, balance and luck, and the flavors of the jelly beans are influenced by Asian cuisine. The brand’s mission and message within its digital communications emphasize that effective and lasting results require adherence to positive habits that complement the products. As the brand points out, brain care is not just about psychostimulants.

according to a 2020 Survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, one in five adults experience some form of mental illness each year, while one in 20 adults experience a serious mental illness each year. Mental wellness is one of two components of brain care, the other being brain health. Brain health has to do with brain performance and cognitive function relative to age when brain disease isn’t an issue, Hafeez said. At its core, brain care is about supporting brain health.

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Care of the brain takes into account the very neglected physical organ itself. Dr. Jiang said that taking care of our brain is something we need to take care of every day, just like we take care of our teeth.

“Activities like meditation, breathing exercises, journaling, setting a time limit for social media, and getting involved in community groups can have a positive impact on our mental well-being,” she said of common self-care practices. “Both brain health and mental well-being are interconnected because they impact your mood and your ability to focus and retain information.”

Swallowing an over-the-counter sleeping pill, for example, may help your sleep problem at night, but it usually doesn’t affect your overall brain health or help your brain establish new patterns. Both Murray-Serter and Hafeez emphasize a holistic approach to maintaining a consistently healthy mindset.

“How we take care of our brain through good or bad habits will dictate how we feel, to a large extent,” Hafeez said. “Although no two brains are identical, there are certain practices that can help everyone.”

Daniel Murray-Serter, co-founder of the Heights herbal supplement brand agreed, saying nutrition is the “most important aspect of brain care.” The Heights’ first and only product is their $55 Smart Supplement, which includes Omega-3s, B vitamins, Vitamin D, and blueberries. “We recognize that the brain is the CEO of our body,” he said.

Prior to its physical launch in January 2021, Heights sent out weekly “Sunday Supplement” newsletters based on scientific papers that Murray-Serter condensed into high school reading-level content. It is still in publication, with more than 200 editions and more than 150,000 subscribers. Murray-Serter does not have a medical degree. In developing Heights, she consulted with Dr. Tara Swart, an Oxford University-trained physician and neuroscientist. Swart is now Chief Scientific Officer for Heights, working alongside dietitian Sophie Medlin as the brand’s director of nutrition research and information.

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The 2-year-old brand is sold DTC, and Murray-Serter has that option for now. “This gives us control over how to get the freshest supplements into the hands of our customers,” he said. Because “brain care really is for everyone,” Murray-Serter said, the brand doesn’t have a targeted consumer. But he said the psychological makeup of his consumer is high achievers who want to function to the best of their ability in their professional and extracurricular lives. Heights counts British businessman Steven Bartlett and author and clinical psychologist Dr. Julie Smith as loyal clients.

“What fascinates us is the cross section between nutrition and mental health, something that is largely overlooked,” Murray-Serter said. “However, nutrition is one part of brain care, and we also educate our community about the other aspects, most of which are free, like hydration, breathing, and daily movement.”

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