Brie Larson’s Warmup Is a Workout in Its Own Right

Brie Larson has long been one of our fitness inspirations for the way she constantly and creatively challenges her body. The star of “Captain Marvel” push-up variations, dominated, Y superhero abs workouts They are not for the faint of heart. But even as he pushes his body to the extreme, Larson keeps his priorities clear: He always stresses the importance of warming up, recovering and keeping your body healthy to avoid injury.

That’s why we were intrigued to see Larson’s most recent YouTube video, which explains how he “assesses” his body and fitness before working out. It also works as a way to activate, warm up and stretch your muscles. “Avoiding injury is everything, because you stay on track,” Larson says of his pre-workout routine. That means taking the time to heating Y cool down effectively: “If you can only take 5 minutes at the end of each workout to [stretch out], can make a world of difference.”

So what happens in Larson’s evaluation bar activation session? She begins with a modified yoga flow, beginning with a standing toe touch before creeping into a plank position. From there, she flows into dog looking up Y downward facing dog positions, then stretch your hips with a half pigeon Y runner’s lunge on each leg. Larson continued through the rest of the warmup with bodyweight strength moves, such as:

Larson uses this as a way to assess his fitness and activate his muscles before a workout, so it can definitely serve as a warm-up before your workout routine. Stretches can also work as a cool down.

Just before signing off, Larson took a moment to explain why workouts are so important to her and why she spends this time on herself and taking care of her body. “A lot of things are happening in the world, a lot of things to worry about. A lot of things to love, people to love, initiatives to love,” he explained. “But I’ve found that when I take a little time for myself and when I ground myself in my body, I’m better at all of those things. I’m better at every moment.”

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Check out Larson’s full routine above.

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