Brown or white: Which rice or sugar is better for your health? We ask a dietitian | Life

  • White rice is less nutritious than brown rice, leading many people to include the latter as a better option in their diet..
  • However, white rice can be more beneficial for certain people and in specific circumstances.
  • As for sugar, although brown is better than white, neither is recommended as part of a healthy diet.

Comparing all the countless rice and sugar options on the market today can leave you standing in the aisle of the grocery store, scratching your head in confusion.

From basmati to brown and long grain rice, and granulated and coarse sugar to brown sugar and muscovado, there is so much variety to satisfy any taste and dietary need.

Rice, a staple food for more than 3.5 billion people worldwideit is particularly enjoyed in Asia, Latin America and parts of Africa. According to Health Line, there are more than 7,000 varieties of the grain, ranging from different colors to shapes and sizes. However, for many of us, the most widely consumed types in South Africa, and in many other countries, are white and brown rice.

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But when it comes to choosing between white and brown rice, many of us believe that brown rice offers greater nutritional benefits. So how true is this? We asked a dietician.

The dietician’s response

Both brown and white rice come from the same grain, but as Previous News24 article explainedWhen brown rice goes through a refining process to remove the husk and bran (the whole grain material), it becomes white rice. Unfortunately, this process removes nutrients like iron, vitamins, and magnesium.

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Registered Dietitian, Toni Brien from Crazy4FoodExplain:

Generally speaking, brown rice is more nutritious than white rice. This is because it is less processed and therefore contains more fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants than white rice.

Brien adds that this hearty, nutty flavored rice also has a lower GI (glycemic index) compared to white rice. The NHS explains that The GI is a rating system for foods that contain carbohydrates and shows how quickly each food affects your blood sugar (glucose) level when that food is eaten alone.

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“[A lower GI] it helps control blood sugar levels and sustain you for a longer period of time,” says Brien. He adds that most brown rice varieties have a low to intermediate GI, while most white rices have an intermediate GI. However, this does not mean that white rice is all bad for you. brien says:

Both white and brown rice can be included in a healthy and balanced diet as long as the portion size is controlled. In some cases, white rice is…better than brown rice, such as for people with digestive problems who struggle to digest large amounts of fiber.

Healthline also explains that White rice is often unfairly criticized. Earlier this year, the lead researcher behind a study I declare that “A diet that includes consuming a large amount of unhealthy, refined grains can be considered similar to consuming a diet that contains a lot of unhealthy sugars and oils.”

But there are cases where it can be beneficial.

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For those experiencing heartburn, nausea and vomiting, or people recovering from medical procedures affecting the digestive system, a low fiber diet is beneficial and white rice is often recommended in these cases as it is low in fiber. in fiber, soft and easy to digest. says Healthline. She adds that women who are pregnant can also benefit from the extra folate found in fortified white rice.

News24 also explained that while too much white rice can lead to weight gain (due to its fast-digesting carbs), it’s a great post-workout meal as the fast-digesting carbs will be absorbed by your muscles to replace the energy you lose. while exercising.

Sweet talk: What about the sugar?

As research is continuously conducted on the health effects of the foods we eat, we are hearing more and more about how unhealthy sugar is. The figures indicate that world sugar consumption was just over 171 million metric tons in 2019-2020, and is projected to rise to almost 179 million metric tons by 2023.

Research shows that when you cut down on added sugar, which manufacturers add to processed and prepackaged foods, you’ll have much better overall health. News24 previously noted. Conversely, a diet high in added sugar is linked to an increased risk of certain health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, to name a few.

And contrary to common belief, brown and white sugar are not much different when it comes to nutritional value.

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“When comparing white sugar to brown sugar, if you want to reduce nutrients, brown sugar, being less refined, contains a few more micronutrients compared to white sugar. [sugar]Brien says.

“However, both are high GI and not very nutrient dense. So if you really want to be picky, then yes, brown sugar is better than white sugar; however, neither is recommended for a diet healthy and balanced. diet.”

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The same goes for brown sugar, which has a deep brown color, high moisture content, and a caramel flavor.

“That sugar is less processed, so… it contains more nutrients, but it’s still not a good source of nutrients and it’s still sugar,” Brien says.

In fact, added sugar should always be limited or avoided as much as possible, he adds.


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