Can a person go crazy from a hair transplant? Know what things are at risk

Side effects of hair transplant: Nowadays, the trend of hair transplant has increased to get rid of baldness. People are growing their hair again by spending Rs 1 to 2 lakh. Earlier, only celebrities used to get hair transplanted, but now the common man is also getting its help. Hair transplant has both advantages and disadvantages.

There are some common myths in people’s minds about this. One of them is that hair transplant can make a person crazy. In such a situation, let us know how much truth there is in it and what are the risks involved in hair transplant…

Can a person go crazy from a hair transplant?
Some people believe that hair transplantation can damage the brain and make a person crazy. However, experts believe that this is not true. Hair transplantation does not have any negative effects on the brain. In this process, work is done on the upper part of the skull, due to which the skin below is not affected.

Plastic surgeons claim that due to hair transplantation on the skin of the skull and on the muscles located above the brain, its effect does not reach the brain. Thanks to which it is not affected. This means that hair transplantation does not make a person crazy.

What are the risks of hair transplant?

1. Experts say that after a hair transplant, hair begins to fall out very quickly. However, there is no need to panic, because the treatment is suitable for some people and may have side effects in others.

2. Hair transplantation can cause hiccups.

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3. Sometimes the transplant does not go well due to skin damage. After hair application, swelling of the head may appear, the effect of which can be visible on the head and eyes.

4. Hair transplantation may cause itching problems. There may be changes in the scalp due to itching.

5. Hair transplantation can cause infection.

6. Hair roots may be damaged by hair transplantation. The scalp may sink inward. This may lead to the risk of ulcers.

7. Due to hair transplantation, the organ from where the hair is taken and implanted into the head may be affected. Numbness may occur in this part.

8. Hair transplantation may cause bleeding in the scalp where the hair is transplanted.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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