Can Depression Affect Your Physical Health?

Depression can affect your mental health, but it can also affect your physical well-being.

Depression is a chronic mental health condition that can affect many aspects of a person’s life, from their relationships with others to their physical health.

Because depression is an illness that has the potential to have a huge impact, it may beg the question of whether it can ultimately lead to death.

While you may not die from depression itself, potential symptoms and co-existing illnesses can worsen overall health and lead to death if not treated properly.

the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests that depression and depressive symptoms they can lead to other conditions or be caused by pre-existing conditions.

This could be due to the stress of dealing with the condition or physical changes in the brain if you have had a previous stroke or are experiencing a condition such as Alzheimer’s either Parkinson’s disease.

Depression is also common in people with chronic or long-term conditions, such as:

2004 investigation suggests that the presence of pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, along with depression, increases the chance of heart conditions, further affecting a person’s health and longevity.

Other health-related areas that depression can affect include adequate sleep, diet, and the possibility of risky behaviors, such as increased substance use.

Affected sleep cycles

adequate sleep It is essential for mental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)sleep is also vital for physical health, as poor sleep has been linked to higher rates of chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

But the people who live with depression and other mental health conditions often have complications with their sleep cycles, according to 2011 investigation.

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A 2017 review suggests that insomnia may increase the possibility of suicidal ideation. A study from 2021 showed direct links to higher levels of depression and anxiety compared to those without.

Lack of adequate sleep in early childhood has been associated with Borderline personality disorder and psychosis in adolescence, according to a study 2020.

In extreme cases, severe insomnia can lead to several days of complete sleeplessness and temporary psychosis and hallucinations.

A 2009 study suggests that people with depression may have impaired emotional processing during their REM cycle, adding to their symptoms and negatively impacting their sleep.

Diet changes

Your diet can also be related to your physical and mental health. A common symptom of depression is altered eating patterns.

Depression can cause some people to overeat, but it is also known to decrease appetite or decrease a person’s desire to prepare or eat food.

Depressive symptoms can also lead to food choices that may not agree with your body, negatively affecting how you feel physically in general.

Because proper nutrition is vital for the body and brain to function optimally, this can create a negative cycle. A 2017 review found connections between certain deficiencies that lead to depression, such as vitamin D, folic acid, and vitamin B-12.

substance use

According to NIMHabout half of those who have substance use disorders have a diagnosed mental health condition.

One in four deaths in the United States it is related to the use of alcohol, tobacco or illegal substances. In addition, substance abuse is one of the main contributing factors to suicide

Substances, including alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal substances, are sometimes used as a coping mechanism for depression or other mental health conditions.

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NIMH experts suggest that the link between substance use and mental health conditions has the potential to change its location in cause and effect because substance misuse can lead to mental health conditions and mental health conditions can lead to substance abuse.

Other rationale for self-medication for depression and other mental health problems includes continued the stigma surrounding mental health and lack of access to adequate mental health services.

While there are more virtual options, not everyone has access to the internet, health insurance, or can afford treatment.

While depression is not something that can be completely eradicated, there are ways we can tackle the problem both individually and on a larger scale.

By taking steps to address your depressive symptoms, you can reduce the impact that stress can have on your body.

Addressing death from depression systemically

  • Better accessibility to mental health services: Greater accessibility to mental health services would serve as a positive change for people currently experiencing depression.
  • Cultural Competence: People from underserved communities are more likely to seek mental health support if they feel seen and understood by mental health professionals.

Ways to deal with depressive symptoms

For those going through ongoing depression, it’s no secret that some days are more difficult than others.

There may be times when it’s a little more difficult to get out of bed or even communicate to loved ones what would be helpful.

Some suggestions for ways to mitigate your symptoms before they reach a low point include:

Creating a security plan

Figuring out the steps you need to take to stay safe probably isn’t something that can be done right away.

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When you are in a clear headspace, try write action steps And be sure to share them with someone you trust, so they know how to best support you.

Get in the habit of getting enough sleep, eating regularly, and drinking enough water.

We all have periods when we are not as up to date as we would like. But it can be easier to stick to a routine rather than trying to create one when you no longer feel good.

Stay in communication with your loved ones

Daily updates on your mental health aren’t necessary, but let people know where you are. Those close to you want to support you, but they won’t know when or how you need it if you don’t share.

make time for yourself

This may include:

There’s no wrong answer, but making time to stay focused is vital to your overall health and well-being.

Depression is a serious condition that has the potential to affect your everyday life. For some, it can lead to physical health problems or harmful behaviors in an attempt to cope.

Although the symptoms of depression can affect your physical well-being over time, it is not an inevitable result.

Knowing how depression affects your body is the first step. Taking practical steps to manage your symptoms can help reduce the physical effects of depression.

Remember that you are not alone. You have loved ones who want to support you as well as support groups and mental health professionals who would love to guide you through ways to cope.


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