Can Monitoring Brain Waves Boost Mental Health?

Some companies skip the practitioner entirely selling expensive neurofeedback devices directly to consumers. While unlikely to do much harm, Ms Potter said she would be skeptical of any person or product “claiming that you can just take a piece of equipment out of a box, apply some sensors and say that we are doing neurofeedback.”

Even among experienced practitioners, therapy varies widely. some insist on create a reference “brain map” before a patient’s first neurofeedback session: apply sensors to the skull for two hours to observe and document brain activity. Others say that such maps are optional or unnecessary.

Through its accreditation program, BCIA is attempting to provide stricter standards for the industry, Ms. Potter said. To win the group credentials, professionals must have a degree in a relevant healthcare field, take courses in neuroscience, complete a training program, and pass an exam. However, the one-of-a-kind certification program is voluntary.

While its efficacy is still debated, neurofeedback is generally believed to be safe. Even critics admit that there are few side effects or downsides for those who have the time and money. So if you have read the studies, you understand the criticism, and you still want to try your luck (or head) with neurofeedback – here are some things to keep in mind.

The costs of neurofeedback therapy can be prohibitive and few insurance plans will cover it. A single session costs $ 100 to $ 300, but most doctors say that patients need at least 10 exposures, and many times more, to benefit. A brain map and analysis, which some professionals use to establish a baseline for future sessions, can cost $ 1,000 or more.

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Neurofeedback professionals said the costs are similar to what you could pay for traditional talk therapy, and potentially less, depending on the number of sessions you undergo. Some insurers cover it, so call your provider to find out about their policies. Many neurofeedback clinics offer worksheets with talking points and questions to help you advocate for coverage.

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