Can Stress During Pregnancy Lead to Complications? Doctor Talks

Positive urine pregnancy test is associated with numerous emotions! With the urge to start a new chapter in their lives, women often feel apprehensive and anxious about pregnancy and motherhood. Concerns about changes in a person’s body, constant worries about the baby and the process of childbirth, and post-delivery lifestyle changes can put extra stress on a pregnant woman who is experiencing common ailments such as hormonal changes in her body and vomiting. IndigestionAlso read – What is Salmonella typhimurium – a bacterial infection affecting children in Europe? Is your child at risk? Explain the expert

It is common for pregnant mothers to experience stress about pregnancy, especially for those who are pregnant for the first time. Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i’ll tell ya. Also read – 5 Reasons Why You Should Include Ladyfinger In Your Diet, Explaining The Health Benefits Of Ladyfinger | Watch the video

However, when stress becomes excessive, it can lead to health problems for mother and baby. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor for an easy and risk-free pregnancy. Also read – Top 5 Amazing Benefits Of Having A Beautiful Snake Plant At Home | Watch the video

Understanding the common causes of stress during pregnancy

Finding out if they are pregnant can be a stressful experience for some women. Stress mostly occurs in unplanned pregnancies. Other factors such as fear of pregnancy loss, fear of labor and delivery, financial problems, uncomfortable physical changes such as nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and back pain, miscarriage and fear of caring for the baby at birth. Stress in pregnant women.

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It is important for mothers to keep themselves stress free

Maternal stress or anxiety during pregnancy can affect the fetus, causing potential long-term consequences for the development of the infant and baby. Chronic stress can affect maternal health and can cause headaches, rapid breathing, sleep problems, and a throbbing pulse.

Also, it can lead to preeclampsia, miscarriage, premature birth and low birth rate. Thus, it is important to take care of mental well-being and take care of the mother’s physical health during pregnancy.

There are risks to stress for your baby and pregnancy;

  • Preeclampsia: Research shows that if you already have high blood pressure, you are at increased risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a potentially dangerous pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure. It usually starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose blood pressure was normal. It can lead to complications for both mother and baby.
  • Miscarriage: Also known as spontaneous abortion, it can be physically and emotionally painful. Research has shown that women who experienced major negative life events or psychological stress were twice as likely to have an early miscarriage. Stress during pregnancy can exacerbate depression in some people. To cope, people use harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs. This can increase the risk of some pregnancy complications, including miscarriage.
  • Premature birth and low birth rate: Studies show that mothers who experience more stress are more likely to go into early labor. Stress can increase the chances of having a premature baby (born before 37 weeks of gestation) or an underweight baby (who weighs less than 5 pounds (2.5 kg or 2500 g) at birth). Chronic stress can lead to long-term changes in the body’s vascular system, hormone levels, and ability to fight infection. All of these can potentially influence the baby to start childbirth before it is full-term.
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Post-delivery complications

Some studies have shown that high levels of stress during pregnancy can increase a child’s risk of developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Stress can also affect a child’s brain development or immune system.

Tips for controlling stress during pregnancy

Here are some ways to help reduce stress:

  • Remember that all the discomfort you experience during pregnancy is temporary. Learn how to manage and cope with discomfort. Talk to someone you know about pregnancy or your doctor
  • Eat healthy, get enough rest, sleep and exercise
  • To help control stress, you can try relaxation activities such as prenatal yoga or meditation
  • Read a lot about pregnancy so you know what to expect during pregnancy and when your baby arrives.
  • Plan ahead and don’t miss any appointments.

(Inputs by Dr. Ann Sapna Lulla, Lead Consultant – Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aster CMI Hospital)


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