Can white hair become black again forever, know how much truth is there in this

White Hair Problems: Whether it is a woman or a man, everyone loves their hair very much, because this hair is such a part of our personality that plays a very important role in making us look beautiful or smart. Well, there are many problems related to hair which we all face somewhere, like hair fall, split ends, dandruff and many more problems but one of these problems is graying of hair. Yes, in earlier times, when the age of people crossed 30 or 40, then the hair started turning white somewhere, but now you can see the problem of white hair in Youth and Teenage also, temporarily to blacken it. So there are many products available in the market like dye, color, mehndi but many people have a question that can white hair be made black again? Let’s know what experts say about it.

Who can have white to black hair

According to experts, before thinking whether white hair can turn black forever or not, we should understand the reasons behind it. Generally people are going through such problems due to lack of nutrition or wrong eating. Apart from this, some people have a genetic reason, but with increasing age, this problem is very common. This is the reason of old age which has to happen to everyone one day or the other, so there is nothing to darken the gray hair due to old age, however if you follow the right lifestyle it can delay gray hair. Apart from this, white hair can be blackened in other situations. It will be a little time taking but you will definitely get the results.

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Know the ways to blacken white hair

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  • First of all you need to know why your hair is graying is it any medical condition if so then doctor will treat for it..if doctor feels that you have any nutritional deficiency then he will Will tell you the right diet plan for this.
  • Using coconut oil and amla can make your hair black. Amla has the ability to increase collagen. It is essential for hair growth and it grows black hair. If you want, you can massage your hair by mixing amla powder in coconut oil, apart from this eating amla is also a good option which will help you grow black hair internally.
  • Castor and olive oil are also helpful for blackening hair, for this you have to use it with mustard oil. Castor oil contains a good amount of protein which prevents hair breakage, while mustard contains iron magnesium selenium zinc and calcium which helps in darkening the hair by nourishing it.
  • According to Ayurveda, cooking henna leaves in mustard oil and applying its mixture also turns hair black.

Tips to prevent graying of hair

  • don’t wash hair too much
  • Eat less junk, processed canned, fried roasted spicy food.
  • Avoid soda, cola and other carbonated drinks
  • Strictly avoid habits like smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Do champi by applying oil to hair two to three times a week.
  • Avoid using chemical containing products.

Check out below Health Tools-
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