Can You Reverse Diabetes With A Raw Food Diet?

Every two days a new name appears as ‘diet trend’. We all find it fascinating and the idea of ​​trying it always crosses our minds. So why is this? It is because they promise you to reach your goals in a short time with shortcuts. The ‘raw food diet’ is a trend that claims to reverse diabetes. This method has gained a lot of popularity now, but it has been followed for a long time.

What is the raw food diet?

The raw food diet, often called raw veganism or raw veganism, is made up mostly or entirely of raw, unprocessed foods. Supporters believe that cooking food is harmful as it destroys the nutritional content of food.

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Can diabetes be reversed with a raw food diet?

  • First of all, cooking food will lead to a reduction in nutritional content, but we can always minimize the loss. Stick to using proper cooking methods for different foods.
  • Diabetes can and has been managed with balanced meals and lifestyle changes. You do not need to be restricted for life to control diabetes. Combine your food well so that blood glucose levels do not increase. A well-balanced meal has the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and good fats.
  • Happy belly, happy you, right? The raw food diet is a gut destroyer because raw foods are difficult to digest and hinder the composition of the gut microbiome. Raw foods contribute to flatulence and bloating.
  • Fibers are extremely important when it comes to intestinal health and even diabetes. The raw food diet is very high in fiber, excess fiber causes gas, bloating, discomfort and cramps.
  • Imagine if you didn’t wash your food well enough and consumed it raw? Today, pesticides and fertilizers are used in abundance. Cooking food will help inactivate or kill certain harmful bacteria and lessen the harmful effects of pesticides.
  • A balance is what you need for a healthy life.
  • Fruits: Wash your fruits well, eat them raw, chew them well and do not juice them for maximum benefits.
  • Vegetables: Meanwhile cook your vegetables as usual and enjoy them in the form of soups, sabzi, stir-fries.
  • Legumes: Soak your legumes well and cook them well for better digestion and accompany them with complex carbohydrates.
  • Carbohydrates: Cook and eat whole grains. The raw diet asks you to stay away from processed foods, but so does a balanced diet. To manage your gut health and diabetes, you will need to avoid processed and packaged foods that are high in refined sugars, simple carbohydrates, sodium, additives, etc.
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Lastly, it is very difficult to meet your daily nutritional needs if you are on a raw diet. Even if the nutritional content drops slightly during cooking, cooking food thoroughly ensures that its nutrients are well absorbed and assimilated into your body. With the rising cases of diabetes in India, our focus should not be on shortcuts and tricks, but on overall lifestyle management that includes balanced meals combined with physical activity for sustainable change.

About the author: Ms. Prachi Shah is a clinical dietitian, consultant nutritionist, and founder of Health Habitat.

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