Cancer Common Symptoms: 8 Signs That Should Never be Left Unexamined

Health expert reveals some of the most common signs that people tend to ignore, leading to a diagnosis of cancer

Common Cancer Symptoms: 8 Signs That Should Never Be Left Unexamined

Cancer cases are increasing at an alarming rate in the country. In 2022, approximately 14,16,427 people were diagnosed with cancer. Lung and breast cancer were the most common cancers. In India, cancer cases continue to rise. According to a report by the Indian Council for Medical Research on the ‘Burden of Cancers in India’, seven cancers accounted for more than 40% of the total burden of disease: lung (10.6%), breast (10.5%), %), esophagus (5.8%), mouth (5.7%), stomach (5.2%), liver (4.6%), and cervix (4.3%). The number of Indians suffering from cancer is projected to rise to 29.8 million in 2025 from 26.7 million in 2021. The highest incidence last year was in the North (2,408 patients per 100,000) and Northeast (2,177 per 100,000). It was higher among men. While some cases are detected at the right time, a large number of cases also go undetected. Therefore, there are higher cancer-related mortality and morbidity rates. Therefore, timely detection and screening are essential to improve quality of life.

Common Cancer Symptoms That Should Never Be Left Unexamined

Cancer often produces confusing symptoms. Dr. Suhas Aagre, oncologist at the Asian Cancer Institute reveals some of the most common signs that people tend to ignore, which is later diagnosed as cancer, and here is a list:

  कैंसर के खतरे को कम करना है तो इन फूड आइटम्स और ड्रिंक से बना लें दूरी

  1. Extreme tiredness/fatigue
  2. unexplained weight loss
  3. Changes in bowel habits
  4. A sore that does not heal
  5. Voice change
  6. long standing cough
  7. Abnormal periods or pelvic pain
  8. Breast changes

There are also other signs and symptoms that should not be ignored ‘Chronic headache, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, excessive bruising, fevers or frequent infections, postmenopausal bleeding, unusual bleeding or discharge, obvious changes in warts or moles

The symptoms of cancer can overlap with any other disease and therefore the diagnosis becomes difficult. It is also a known fact that many signs and symptoms of cancer are detected at an advanced stage. It is the need of the hour that one consult an expert and order an opinion on signs such as bleeding, pain, coughing, changes in bowel movements and weight loss.

One should be very cautious if you have a family history of cancer. Therefore, genetic testing would help to take immediate action in people who have a high probability of getting cancer. Even dietary habits, smoking, alcohol consumption and infections are some of the factors that can invite cancer. But, thanks to cutting-edge technology, early detection and treatment is possible to reduce the burden of cancer-related deaths. New drugs, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have improved the chances of recovering from cancer. The treatment offered to the patient is based on the stage of the cancer, the location of the tumor, and general health. Cancer is curable if caught early and you shouldn’t panic at all.

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Release Date: Feb 14, 2023 12:44pm IST

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