Cardio, resistance training workouts to do at home

I regularly receive emails with questions about exercise. The most frequently asked question is what do I do to exercise. I split my exercise time between the gym and at home, and my routine consists of a three-day rotation with two days of cardio training and then resistance training the next. My second day of cardio is flexible, and I can choose to drop my regular cardio training and instead work in the garden or do something else for a change, like go through several rounds hitting my heavy bag.

My workouts are vigorous and I push myself, but I’ve finally learned not to push myself too hard. Instead, I follow an instinctive approach, exercising according to how I feel, doing more on the days I feel like it, and allowing myself to do less on other days.

In other words, I don’t lock myself into a fixed workout.

So here is an example of my cardio exercises and how you can copy the routine at home.

What is the best cardio workout at home?

One of my two cardio workouts consists of 45 to 60 minutes of treadmill walking, gradually increasing speed and elevation. I like to watch TV while I work out and it gives me a chance to watch things that my wife, Anita, hates. This means action movies, where the bad guys do terrible things and the hero tracks them down and takes them out. I’m very careful to do a proper warm-up, starting with a slow walk at 2mph, then gradually adding speed and elevation until I hit 3.5mph and a 10% grade.

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