Cardio workouts: Which is the cardio that burns the most fat?

SUBWAYmost people who practice cardio workouts have as main objective Burn calories and the most common exercise or the one that athletes usually start with is running, but in addition to this there are many other cardio options to incorporate into our routine.

People often want to know which cardio exercise burns the most fat, which is almost impossible to define, because the number of calories burned depends on different factors, such as exercise duration, pace, intensity, weight and fitness. height.

In addition, among other physical characteristics of each person who performs cardio and that influence to burn more calories is the weight, since the more a person who performs cardio weighs, the more calories they burn after a training session.

Which cardio exercises burn the most fat?

Although there is no cardio exercise chosen as the one that burns the most fat, here are some of the most common and with the best results when looking to lose weight.

Running with high knees

This is a cardio exercise with a significant degree of intensity that gets your heart rate up and allows you to strengthen your lower body. You can burn 240 to 350 calories in a half hour session.

kicks in the butt

This is a cardio exercise with results similar to running with high knees. Simply lift one heel towards your butt, repeating the exercise with the other heel and alternating them as you move your arms.

mountain climbers

This is another cardio exercise, but it works the whole body, so it allows you to burn quite a few calories in a short time.

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This is a low-impact exercise that increases muscle strength, blood flow, and lung and heart capacity, all while burning calories. It is also recommended for people with joint problems or limited mobility.

stationary cycling

High-intensity cycling intervals can be performed vigorously, and this exercise allows you to burn a large number of calories.

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