Michael Phelps Just Hit a Front Squat PR While Training With a Fellow Olympian

Michael Phelps Just Hit a Front Squat PR While Training With a Fellow Olympian

You can’t be one of the most decorated Olympians of all time without working out in the gym. legendary swimmer Michael Phelps he may have finished his professional career, but his training routine is still emulated (at different levels of success) by fitness influencers. In fact, prior to his retirement, Phelps’ competition preparation became such … Read more

Dear Doctor: Can my body tell the difference between natural sugar and added sugar?

Dear Doctor: Can my body tell the difference between natural sugar and added sugar?

DEAR DOCTOR. COCKROACH: I have questions about the Nutrition Facts label on food products, specifically as it relates to sugar. Labels now provide a Percent Daily Value for “added sugars.” Doing the math (for example, 10 grams of added sugars equals 20% of the daily value) indicates that the daily value for added sugars (for … Read more

How payers can help practices integrate behavioral health care

How payers can help practices integrate behavioral health care

If you’re considering integrating behavioral health care into your practice, establishing an effective collaborative partnership with a health insurer can be a helpful step toward achieving that goal. Experts from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) and Integrated Health Associates (IHA) shared their experience working together to launch and sustain a behavioral health integration … Read more