Celebrity baker Una Leonard reveals how baking helped her mental health

Famed baker Una Leonard has revealed that she battled eating disorders while developing her career in the world of cooking.

One has published a best-selling book called sweet therapy in which she describes how to make her favorite cakes and how baking helped her through the toughest times:

“I had anorexia, I had bulimia and I was socially unable to eat in front of people,” he explained to The Pat Kenny Show.

“So that led to my eating disorder, but I love food.

“I love creating food, I love being in the kitchen, I love cooking for people.

“But I just couldn’t love him myself.”

His mental health problems started in high school and became more and more severe as time went on:

“I started to hate myself, I didn’t like myself and I was taking control of the only thing I could control, which was what I was putting in my body,” she recalled.

“So I stopped eating because I wanted to fade away like one. I didn’t want to be noticed, I didn’t want to be seen, I didn’t want to be doing all those things.

“But I still went to my camogie games and showed up to everything with a smile on my face and acting like everything was fine.”

Ironically, though she often struggled to feed herself properly, preparing food for other people gave her a reprieve from the dark thoughts swirling in her head:

“It was like you were completely insane, you’re in the kitchen, you’re in a flow, you’re putting these ingredients together and creating something,” he continued.

“And it was so special. Hours passed and I was just happy out there.”

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Over the years, this fascination with pastry turned into a serious business and he launched his own company, 2210 Patisserie, which now has 15 employees:

“In the beginning, it was a passion project. It was purely a business to make me do something every day that I loved.

“And it’s still something that I love to do every day and I don’t care if I have to get up at two in the morning every day, if I have to work a 30-hour day, whatever I have to do.

“But it wasn’t easy.

“I remember the days at the beginning, I couldn’t get any credit from any of my suppliers, I was selling buns and closing the door and running downstairs to buy supplies so I could make a cake with the money that had just come in.

“But it didn’t matter because he was doing what he loved to do.”

Main image: Una and Pat Kenny.

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