Celebrity personal trainer shares his top tips for getting fit

A famous fitness instructor has shared some of his best weight loss tips.

Richie Swan has been working in the fitness industry for 20 years and runs popular fitness classes at up-and-coming Fitness Studios in South Liverpool. His famous clientele includes Emma Bunton, Melanie B and Alexandra Burke.

Richie, who’s from mahullHe said that when he first got in shape after his sister’s death, he was overweight and out of shape, but has since transformed his life. He has shared his proven methods to lose a few pounds and says it’s not as hard as you think.

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Richie said, “If someone wants to lose weight, they have to be in a calorie deficit. My biggest advice is to track your calories and learn what calories are in the food you eat.”

“It’s not about dieting all the time. At the end of the day, we’re all only alive once. You’re not going to love your life if you eat sparkling water, spinach, and kale.”

“You want to be able to go out and have a glass of wine, eat and still be able to stay on track. It’s about identifying how many calories are in those types of foods to keep them in your week so you can balance it out.”

Richie believes that the most important thing when exercising is to enjoy it and if someone finds an activity they like, they should stick with it. He said, “If you find something that you enjoy, then you’re going to stick with it. The main thing to achieve your fitness goals is to be able to be consistent and if you enjoy, you’re going to be consistent and that’s the same with your diet.”

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Richie, 42, said the most important thing when starting a weight-loss journey is to remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and to give the process time. Talking with him ECHO he said: “There will be times when you will when you start the first week and you are motivated and thinking that you are breaking it.

“Be consistent, do three to five workouts and don’t push yourself too hard because you can’t maintain that and you’ll give up too. Sometimes less is more. It’s about telling yourself that you’re doing everything you can to get there.” and trusting the process.

“Step by step and pound by pound.”

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