Cervical to Breast, 5 Most Common Types of Cancer in Women You MUST Know About

Cancer in Women: In the battle against these cancers, educating women about risk factors and the value of regular check-ups is essential.

Cervical to Breast, 5 Most Common Types of Cancer in Women You MUST Know About

Cancer in Women: Cancer rates are increasing in India, with a higher incidence among women compared to men. Over the past few decades, cervical cancer held the unfortunate distinction of being the most prevalent cancer among women. However, recent data reveals that breast cancer has now surpassed cervical cancer as the leading cause of cancer among women in our country. Approximately two lakh cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in India. India.com got in touch with Dr Ishu Gupta, Chief Oncologist, at Cancel Cancer Hospital, Delhi, who will share insights about the most common cancers affecting women.

5 Most Common Types of Cancers in Women

  1. Breast Cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers affecting women in India. Regular self-examinations and clinical screenings are crucial for early detection. Mammograms, typically recommended every 1-2 years for women over 40, aid in identifying abnormalities. Treatment options vary from surgery and radiation to chemotherapy and hormone therapy.
  2. Cervical Cancer, primarily caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), is another significant concern. Vaccination against HPV can prevent infections, reducing the risk of cervical cancer. Routine Pap smears are vital for early detection, allowing for timely interventions like surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
  3. Ovarian Cancer poses challenges due to subtle symptoms, often detected in advanced stages. Genetic counselling may be beneficial for those with a family history. Surgery is a common approach for treatment, along with chemotherapy. Research into targeted therapies and immunotherapies offers promising avenues for the future.
  4. Uterine Cancer, often linked to hormonal imbalances, necessitates prompt attention to abnormal bleeding. Endometrial biopsy and imaging assist in diagnosis. Treatment typically involves surgery, radiation, or hormonal therapy based on the stage and type of cancer.
  5. Lung Cancer is a growing concern among Indian women, often associated with smoking or exposure to environmental pollutants. Early detection through imaging tests like CT scans is critical. Treatment may involve surgery, chemotherapy, or targeted therapies tailored to specific genetic mutations.
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Cancer Prevention And Treatment

Prevention strategies include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding tobacco, and adopting a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise and weight management contribute to overall well-being and cancer risk reduction. Screening programs, such as mammography and pap smears, should be widely promoted, encouraging women to undergo regular check-ups. Accessible healthcare and awareness campaigns are pivotal in ensuring widespread participation.

Dr Gupta further shared some treatment advancements, including personalized therapies and immunotherapies which offer more effective and less invasive options. Collaborative efforts between healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers are essential for fostering innovation and improving treatment outcomes.

In conclusion, the health expert believes addressing common cancers in women in India requires a comprehensive approach encompassing prevention, early detection through regular screenings, and advancements in treatment modalities. Through collective efforts, we can strive towards a healthier future for women in India.



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