Cherry juice removes the problem of sleep in this way… Know the easy way to make juice

Cherry Juice Benefits: It is very common to have stress in today’s run-of-the-mill life. However, when this tension increases, many problems start due to it. One of these is the complaint of insomnia. In today’s era, many people are suffering from insomnia. Despite working whole day, they do not sleep even after going to bed. Such people should consume cherry juice. Consuming cherry juice cures the problem of insomnia. Sleeping time also increases.

Helpful in improving sleeping quality

According to the study of Britain’s Northumbria University, those who had complaints of not sleeping at night. Those people were advised to drink cherry juice every night before sleeping. Only after consuming it, the people involved in the research got rid of the problem of insomnia. Actually tryptophan is found in cherry which is an amino acid. Tryptophan helps in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that manages the sleep-wake cycle. In addition, cherry juice helps flush out purines from the body, which cause uric acid to build up in the body. Antioxidants found in cherries improve sleeping quality. Along with improving digestion, it also helps in improving digestion, so let’s know the recipe to make it.

How to make cherry juice


  • red cherry 15 to 20
  • 3 cups sliced ​​watermelon
  • Plums 4 to 5
  • Ice Cube 2 to 3


  • Wash the cherry, take out its seed and cut it into pieces.
  • Boil hot water in a vessel and add prunes to it and boil for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Switch off the gas and take out the plums from hot water and put them in cold water for 1 minute.
  • Now remove the upper peel of the plum and separate its seeds.
  • Now put chopped cherry melon pieces and plums in a blender jar and blend it well for 2 minutes.
  • Blend all the ingredients and prepare a smoothie.
  • Now pour the juice in the serving glass and drink it chilled by adding ice cubes on top.

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