Children’s spectacles are becoming a cause of trouble, parents should take care like this

Kids Eyes Health: In modern times, even small children are getting glasses in their eyes. The reason for this is a lot of smartphone and laptop screen being used. Apart from this, the eyes of the children are also getting spoiled due to the children watching TV and watching video games for a long time. In such a situation, if you want your children’s eyes to be right, then you can take some necessary measures for this. Let’s know how to take care of children’s eyes?

schedule the time

Schedule children’s screen time. If you want your children’s eyes to be safe, then first of all you need to determine their screen timing. Set a time for this. So that more they do not hang on the phone or laptop. 

Teach capitalized on the computer


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exercise daily

Like adults, it is necessary for children to do physical activity. If you do not exercise them, it can damage their eyes. That’s why make them do light exercise regularly. 

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