Chinese influencer dies in live video due to overeating

A woman died in China after eating too much food. In fact, the woman used to live stream food on YouTube every day. It is said that she would eat food for more than 10 hours at a time. Her parents also forbade her from doing so, but she didn’t agree and now she has died suddenly.

According to the report, Pan Jiaoting ate about 10 kg of food. Because of which he died. According to the autopsy, a lot of raw food was found in Pan Jiaoting’s stomach.

Overeating harms the body

In fact, a YouTuber was eating continuously for 10 hours during the live broadcast. Her parents refused to do so, but she did not agree and died suddenly due to overeating. The girl was only 24 years old. Tell us what is the effect of overeating on the body? If you eat too much, it has serious consequences on your health. Therefore, avoid overeating as it can lead to many diseases.

It often happens that people fall victim to overeating for taste. People who eat too much when they are hungry, it has a direct effect on the stomach. Eating when hungry is beneficial for the body, but eating too much food for taste can be harmful to health. Therefore, always avoid overeating, as high-calorie foods are not good for health.

Problems arise in digestion

If you have a habit of overeating, you might have problems related to the digestive system. Due to this, your digestion process may also become sluggish. This causes acid reflux in the stomach. Problems of gas, indigestion, stomach pain, and flatulence start to appear. This has a serious effect on the stomach.

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Overeating increases risk of diabetes

By eating too much, blood sugar levels increase twice. Overeating significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. By eating more than necessary, blood cells convert glucose into energy. Due to the increase in sugar levels, the risk of diabetes increases significantly.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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