Coconut oil is very beneficial even in the summer season, learn different ways of use

Coconut Oil Use In Summer: Coconut oil is used to keep your skin hydrated during the winter season. Applying it on the skin blocks the moisture and prevents dryness on the skin. Whereas the use of coconut oil in the summer season helps in keeping the skin allergy and acne free. Along with these, you can solve many problems like wrinkles, stretch marks only with the help of coconut oil. In this article, learn how to use coconut oil in summer for which problems.

1. Allergies and Infections to Avoid

Due to sweating in the summer season, many problems start to occur, due to which there is a problem of constant itching or rash on the skin. To avoid this problem, you can take a spoon of coconut oil and add two drops of tea tree oil to it or you can also add UK lipitis oil. Now apply this mixture on the affected skin. You will get relief in the very first time.

2. Having Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a type of fungal infection. Due to this, there is a problem of pain, itching and peeling of the skin in the feet. It usually occurs between the two toes or on the underside of the toes and it can also spread from the sole to the heel. To avoid this, mix oregano or tea tree oil in coconut oil. Two drops of tea tree oil in a spoonful of oil is enough.

3. Wrinkles Problem

The problem of wrinkles also bothers in the summer season. Apart from increasing age, due to reasons like dehydration, dryness in the skin, your beauty can deteriorate even at a young age. To avoid this, wash your face before sleeping at night and take 2-3 drops of coconut oil on the wrinkles and massage it with light hands. Make this rule and in a few days you will see the difference clearly.

4. Stretch Marks

  कोरोना से ज्यादा इन दिनों स्वाइन फ्लू का वायरस कर रहा है बीमार, जानें बचने का तरीका

In winter, stretch marks are covered in clothes, but in summer, this problem is very much highlighted and you have to think before wearing clothes like shorts and crop tops. To lighten the stretch marks, you should massage coconut oil twice a day every day. It would be better if you start doing this after delivery, then the stretch marks will not be able to darken.

5. Sore throat and swelling

Drinking cold water often leads to some kind of throat related problem in the summer season. To avoid them, you can use coconut oil. Drink a spoonful of coconut oil as soon as the problem starts in the throat. Keep in mind this coconut oil should be food grade. Coconut oil for use and coconut oil for hair are different. You can apply food grade to the hair, but coconut oil applied to the hair should not be used.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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