Confirmed! Study names the ONE nut that could keep you healthier as you age

People who ate three-quarters of an ounce of walnuts a day for 30 years considered themselves younger and ate a healthier diet, exercised and were less likely to succumb to heart disease.

Photo: iStock

New Delhi: Talk about healthy fats and one of the richest sources are walnuts. And an expensive and extremely healthy product, walnuts are known to curb hunger while tickling the taste buds, satiating hunger and also improving health. And while all nuts are healthy, there are some that are more nutritious and serve many other purposes besides promoting weight loss. For one, almonds are a rich source of vitamin A and are known to improve memory, cashews are known to lower bad cholesterol, there is a special nut that supports health aging – it is walnuts either akhroth.

What did the study discover?

During the Development of Coronary Artery Risk in Young Adults published in Nutrition, Metabolism, & Cardiovascular Diseases, 3,023 participants aged 18 to 30 years were asked about their eating habits at baseline, after seven, and 20 years. It was noted that people who ate three-quarters of an ounce of akhrot in one day for 30 years considered themselves younger and ate a healthier diet, exercised, and were less likely to succumb to heart disease.

Which are the health benefits of walnuts?

Walnuts, on the nutrition front, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, proteins and small traces of carbohydrates and saturated fat. Regular consumption of this nut is associated with a healthier gut, reduces inflammation, promotes weight loss, reduces the risk of diabetes, controls cholesterol levels and blood pressure, to name a few.

These factors make walnuts one of the healthiest nuts out there for seniors. And the surprising and unexplained benefits of this nut for overall health, its effect on a healthier lifestyle and exercise routine are to thank for its age-related effects on the body, from mitigating disease risk to controlling body weight.

  Walnut Benefits for Summer: 6 Reason Why Soaked Walnuts Make For a Cool Snack

Disclaimer: The hints and tips mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or dietitian before beginning any fitness program or making changes to your diet.


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