Consider the causes of eczema, you will be able to avoid the disease

Eczema Cause And Prevention: In eczema, your skin becomes cracked, dry and unusually itchy. This problem disturbs you physically and mentally so much that you are not able to concentrate on the tasks related to your daily life because the itching in the skin keeps irritating you continuously. In many cases, eczema occurs due to genetic reasons, but apart from this, there are many other reasons, due to which there can be a problem of eczema. In this article, 5 such reasons are being told about …

atopic eczema
This is one such type of eczema, which is found in most people. In this, there are problems like dryness, burning, burning, redness, flaking, itching, pain and peeling of the skin on the skin. This type of eczema is usually related to congenital causes.

Other causes of eczema
The skin gets dry in the winter season. In such a situation, due to exposure to different temperatures, there can be a problem of eczema. It is also called dry skin eczema.

  • Formaldehyde eczema. This is an eczema that can be caused by certain types of items used in the house. Or it can also happen due to taking any vaccine or using some medicines.
  • People whose skin is very sensitive, they can also have the problem of eczema from a particular metal. Usually most people have this problem with the use of nickel.
  • Isothiazolinone is one such eczema that is caused by using antibacterial ingredients. These ingredients are commonly used in personal care products like creams, lotions, soaps, powders etc. They are also used in baby wipes.
  • People who smoke cigarettes or adopt any other method of smoking, they may have a problem of eczema.
  • Eczema can be a problem even if the mental and physical stress remains high and persists for a long time.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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