Control high BP without taking medicine? Must follow these 5 habits

How to Control High BP Naturally: High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases associated with lifestyle, it can lead to many dangerous diseases like heart attack in the future. If you want to take some such measures with or without medicine, by which high BP remains under control, then these tips can be very useful.

1- Must do yoga- Anulom Vilom or Pranayama is most beneficial in high BP. Doing Anulom Vilom for at least 10 minutes in the routine calms the mind and releases stress as well as reduces anxiety. Anulom vilom cleanses blood veins

2-Tomato is beneficial- Eating less salt should be eaten in high BP. Also, you must include tomatoes in your diet. According to a Japanese research, drinking tomato or a cup of its juice without salt reduces blood pressure. Tomato contains high potassium, which provides relief in BP.

3-Blue T- Many types of herbal tea also benefit in high BP. Blue tea made from Aparajita flowers also reduces high blood pressure. It is very easy to make. To prepare this, leave the flowers of Aparajita in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Later, if you want, you can drink this tea a little lukewarm or cold.

4-Stay away from trigger- The major causes of blood pressure are stress and anxiety. If you want that BP does not increase in the routine, then avoid those things which increase stress. Do not let the useless things which only increase the tension, dominate your mind. Especially do not fight over anything, it also increases blood pressure.

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Do not forget to do 5-workout- Whether there is any disease in the routine or not, but be physically active for at least 30 minutes. If you want, you can walk fast. Or you can do aerobic exercise. In summer, you can do swimming or any other exercise. Make it a habit to do any workout of your choice.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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