Corporate Work Stress Making Your Life Tough? Here’s What You Can Do

Mental health has been the talk of the country for a long time. With the pandemic, the situation has only worsened in this regard. People have moved to the work-from-home model by incorporating companies, which has increased the problem for some as work pressure increases. What helps people manage this pressure? What might not feel overwhelmed? Experts say that practicing mindfulness could be a great way to manage the work stress of the corporate world.

According to the World Health Organization, 56 million Indians suffer from depression and 38 million suffer from anxiety disorders. These workplace mental health issues come very naturally to most companies, but the stigma surrounding them prevents people from seeking professional help. Stigma results from negative perception and stereotypes that reflect a lack of understanding about the subject. So what could come to the rescue is seeking help through innovative ways and working towards mindfulness as a way of life.

What is mindfulness?

While speaking to The Logical Indian, Shweta Advani, a mindfulness trainer, describes it as the feeling of being aware of what’s going on inside and around you. This state of awareness helps to avoid conflicts. If people aren’t aware, they could end up yelling at a person. But if they are aware of what they feel and think, they can be cautious.

Therefore, making it a way of life could help maintain an overall peace of mind where you are aware of your current surroundings and not preoccupied with other thoughts. In the contemporary world, people have many things on their minds, and sometimes multitasking can rob people of a calm and collected mind. Additionally, the world is becoming more competitive, which triggers even more mental health issues.

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What do the polls say?

Many surveys and studies have reported that the corporate world in India has a problem of increasing mental health problems. A study by The7thFold revealed that 36 per cent of corporate employees in India suffer from mental health problems and 50 per cent are worried about an uncertain future due to the pandemic. india today informed. Experts believe that stress contributes significantly to the worsening of a person’s mental and physical well-being. On the other hand, studies have also revealed positive coping mechanisms such as yoga, meditation, and the inclusion of exercise in the daily regimen for healthier mental well-being.

Other poll by Gi Group found that about 42.5 percent of Indian companies suffered from depression and anxiety disorder. The study also revealed that work-life balance, job stress and career growth anxiety were some of the reasons for poor mental health in companies.

Reasons for poor mental health in corporate India

Experts believe that high levels of stress due to work pressure make people vulnerable and struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Family and financial challenges are the main reasons behind poor mental health in the Indian corporate world. They consider that sometimes managers and bosses are not very receptive to the psychological problems of their subordinates and employees are not able to share their problems due to the stigma that prevails around mental health. In addition, companies also lack mental health services for their employees.

“Anxiety, depression, the constant need to be productive all the time, and panic due to the uncertainties of the current times are some of the biggest issues in the workplace right now,” Adavi told The Logical Indian. Also, technology has affected the way people function. “Working from home and mobile phones have blurred the lines between work and life. In today’s fast-paced, multitasking culture, it can seem difficult to pause and be,” Advani added.

How to deal with work stress

In a conversation with the logical indian, Shweta Advani said that mindfulness could help you reach your full potential. She suggested some ways to practice in the corporate world to avoid reaching the burnout stage.

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Focusing on one task at a time

Our brains are not designed to multitask, and it is a scientifically proven fact that our brains can focus on one thing at a time. So when we multitask, our brain quickly shifts attention from one task to another, processing them in parallel. Our brain has to put energy and time into loading and reloading different content. Therefore, it is better to focus on one task or group similar tasks together and finish one set before moving on to another.

Take mindful breaks

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that helps people work with their time instead of against it. Through this, one can set a time, usually 30-45 minutes, and focus on one task at a time. After this duration, one can take a short break of 5-10 minutes to relax before moving on to the next task. These short breaks will help you regain focus and prevent burnout.

Be mindful in communication

Another way to reduce anxiety is to take communication into account, as it helps to create excellent interpersonal relationships.

A significant proportion of stress in workplaces could be managed by being receptive, observant and nonjudgmental in understanding other people’s perspectives.

His organization, Mindful Love Tribe, provides services for corporate people where they can connect with counselors to discuss individual issues and seek personalized assistance. “The idea is self-empowerment. It’s about understanding how to deal with panic attack situations at work or at home; maybe you will try reading techniques, among other things”, concluded Advani.

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