Could a pill to strengthen muscle and bone replace exercise?

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Scientists are getting closer to finding solutions for the loss of muscle and bone mass. Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images
  • Physical activity is known to promote bone and muscle health.
  • Aging, lifestyle and chronic diseases can lead to physical inactivity, which is associated with loss of bone and muscle mass.
  • New research has now identified a drug that can mimic physical exercise in mice.
  • The new drug, called locamidazole, can increase bone formation, mineral density, muscle thickness and muscle strength in mice.

When we are physically active, our bones and muscles work together to make them stronger. To maintain bone health, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends a combination of weight-bearing activities 3 to 5 times per week and resistance exercises 2 to 3 times per week.

Research has shown forever exercise to be beneficial in preserving bone health, and a reduction in physical exercise causes bone loss. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advocates regular physical activity to strengthen and maintain muscles and bones, research has shown that improving muscle strength may have a modest effect on relieving joint pain in people with osteoarthritis.

Despite its benefits, modern life is associated with a lack of physical activity. According to the World Health OrganizationPhysical inactivity is a serious but “insufficiently addressed” public health problem with up to 85% of the world’s population leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Inactivity is also associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases. the British Heart Foundation attributes more than 5 million deaths worldwide to physical inactivity, which is equivalent to one in nine deaths in general.

Chronic conditions, injuries, and aging can make it more difficult to be physically active, which can lead to weakened muscles (sarcopenia) and bone loss (osteoporosis).

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New research conducted at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) has identified a new drug that can mimic exercise and promote similar changes in muscle and bone.

The work, led by Professor Tomoki Nakashima, has been published in Bone research.

In the to studythe research team identified a new compound called Locamidazole (LAMZ) as a potential therapeutic drug that can cause exercise-like effects.

To test the new compound, the researchers administered LAMZ 10 mg/kg orally once a day, LAMZ 6 mg/kg by injection twice a day, or a control solution for 14 days to male mice.

Administration of LAMZ orally and by injection showed changes in both muscle and bone. The researchers noted that mice treated with LAMZ had wider muscle fibers and greater muscle strength compared to mice not treated with LAMZ.

Endurance was studied using a treadmill device, LAMZ-treated mice were less fatigued and ran a longer distance than untreated mice.

In an interview with medical news today, Dr. Jose Watsoassistant professor at Florida State University, who was not involved in the study, explained:

“It is encouraging that, while the changes in the distance traveled by the animals were small (about 2%), the increases in adjusted maximal muscle force and muscle fiber width were quite substantial after 14 days of dosing. LAMZ..

Using gene analysis, the researchers showed that LAMZ increased the amount of mitochondria—the powerhouse of the cell—in muscle and bone cells. They noticed an increase in the expression of the gene for PGC-1alpha, a protein known to maintain muscle and bone cells and increase the production of mitochondria.

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“PCG1a is a known transcriptional coactivator that increases mitochondrial biogenesis. This is an interesting feature of the agent they identified as mitochondrial biogenesis, it is a distinctive physiological adaptation of physical training,” Dr. Watso explained to MNT.

To better understand the pathway, the researchers administered LAMZ orally to mice while blocking PGC-1alpha. They found no increase in muscle strength, indicating LAMZ’s effects on muscle and bone via PGC-1alpha.

3D images of bone samples generated using Micro-CT showed an increase in bone thickness, density, and bone mineral content, confirming the cell study findings of increased bone formation and reduced bone loss.

“We were pleased to find that LAMZ-treated mice exhibited increased muscle fiber width, increased maximal muscle strength, increased rate of bone formation, and decreased bone resorption activity,” said the study’s senior author. Takehito Ono commented.

The study has shown that LAMZ can strengthen bones and muscles without negative effects on surrounding tissues and can work as a therapeutic drug by revitalizing muscles and bones through PGC-1α, mimicking physical exercise.

Dr. Watso summarized the findings:

“The article provides convincing evidence in animals for an agent with high potential to improve bone and muscle health. Like most agents tested in animals, the next key question is whether those findings will translate to humans. Of course, without any harmful side effects that have not been observed in animal studies.”

He warned that “it will be an arduous task to develop a health elixir to replace the myriad benefits of regular physical activity and exercise. That said, continued efforts are needed to reduce the incidence and burden associated with preventable diseases.”

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In certain cases, medication may be a safer option than exercise, but when possible, “exercise should be the first consideration for those who have the ability to be physically active,” Dr. Watso said.

Despite this, “it is certainly worth continuing to examine population-specific risk factors and pathophysiology for potential treatment targets,” he added.

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