Counting calories? You should be counting colours, says nutrition expert

If you’re trying to improve your health or lose weight, chances are you’re paying more attention to the calories in what you eat. While things like ketogenic diet Y intermittent fasting have gained popularity in recent years, the idea of ​​counting calories and eating within certain daily limits remains a constant in the diet industry. But apparently that’s not the right idea at all: you should be counting colors, not calories.

“Our bodies don’t see food in terms of macros and calories. They see nutrients, and they need lots of nutrient-dense foods to thrive,” he says. Dr Lauren Laxnutrition expert from (opens in a new tab). “Generally speaking, less color means fewer nutrients and less satisfaction when eating. [those foods]. You may have hit your macro lensesbut your body is still craving the rest of the many nutrients it needs to function at its best.”

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