Curcumin Supplements Can Help Your Health. But There’s a Catch.

SUPPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS promote curcumin as a anti-inflammatory which acts as a pain blocker and heart helper

These supplement marketers say that curcumin, the active compound in turmeric root, can reduce chronic inflammation that can increase pain and the risk of fatigue, heart disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. And, they argue, they have the scientific research to back it all up.

But is all that true?

“The data on curcumin isn’t the strongest, but it does have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,” says Brian St. Pierre, RD, a men’s health tutor. Studies show that curcumin reduces inflammation related to IBS, muscle fatigue, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

But dig into those studies and things get…complicated.

Yes, a 2021 review found that curcumin supplementation helped people with inflammatory conditions, particularly when used with other drug therapies. But popping a pill now and then won’t make any difference, St. Pierre says. It is up to you to take the supplement regularly and diligently.

So if you’re the type of person who can adopt a healthy habit and stick with it, then a curcumin supplement may work for you.

Yes, if you have chronic fatigue and/or pain, IBS, heart problems, or diabetes, curcumin can most likely help, although you’ll want to talk to your doctor before taking it. Curcumin can impair iron absorption, especially if you take blood thinners, says Shinta Galej, a registered dietitian in New York City.

Just be careful when shopping for a curcumin supplement.

You want a supplement with a recommended dose of 1000 mg. And always buy a brand that has a third-party certification, like NSF or Informed Choice, to ensure that what is advertised on the label is actually in the product itself.

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A version of this article originally appeared in the September 2022 issue of men’s health.

Taylyn Washington-Harmon is Health Editor at Men’s Health, with previous articles in Health Magazine, SELF, and STAT.

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