Cutting Down on Sugar Abruptly Can Be Dangerous, Expert Speaks

Cutting down on sugar sounds easy and healthy but is not. Abruptly slashing all sugar intake can actually be dangerous for health. Here is what expert say.


Sugar is like a sweet poison. While succumbing to cravings may be a delight for the taste buds but it can be damaginf for health. Little cubes of sugar can lead to big health problems- weigth gain, acne, depression, kidney problem etc. Consuming too much sugar is one of the leading causes of weight gain & obesity which is a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. Even while embarking on weigth loss regime, the first thing sthat is often suggested is to cut down on sugar intake. However, slashing down on sugar abruptly and completely can actually do more harm than good.

How to Cut down on Sugar Gradually?

However, abruptly eliminating all sugary foods from your diet is unrealistic and may lead to binge eating or feelings of deprivation. Carlyne Remedios is practising dietitian and proprietor of NutritionallyYours, speaking to explained how when can step-by-step lower sugar intake in a healthy manner

  1. Identify your main sources of added sugars and replace them with healthier alternatives over time. For example, swap your sugary breakfast cereal for a lower-sugar option or switch from sweetened yogurt to plain yogurt with fruit.
  2. If you struggle with cravings then consider sweeteners like stevia, sucralose, aspartame, and monk fruit. They are designed to provide the taste without the calories. However, it’s important to use them judiciously. The goal is to gradually shift taste preferences rather than just swapping one for another.
  3. Also, be aware of everyday foods that can contribute to your sugar intake without you even realising it. Flavoured yogurts, salad dressings, sauces, granola bars, and even savoury foods like bread and ready-to-eat meals can be high in sugar.
  4. Being aware of hidden sources can help you make smarter choices. But food labels can be deceiving and confusing,as sugar goes by various names. Look out for terms like agave nectar, malt syrup, fruit juice concentrate, sucrose, dextrose, fructose,HFCS – High fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, rice syrup or brown rice syrup as they are all essentially added sugars. Then you also have alternatives like honey, coconut sugarand molasses that are marketed as healthier options but remember that they are all still a form of sugar.
  5. The lower glycemic index and nutritional content are often highlighted as a health benefit. While it’s true that they may cause a slower rise in blood sugar compared to refined sugars, the significance of this effect is overstated. And while they may indeed contain small amounts of nutrients, the quantities are typically not substantialto significantly contribute to a balanced diet.
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As always moderation is key, as overconsumption ofthese alternatives can lead to excess calorie intake and blood sugar fluctuations. In conclusion, cutting back on sugar is commendable but remember moderation and small consistent changes are the secrets to long-term success.



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