David-Mario Lazar’s suspected killer sectioned under Mental Health Act

The woman arrested in Coventry after a five-year-old boy died in a town house has been brought under the Mental Health Act.

The 49-year-old man, who has not yet been identified, is suspected of murdering David-Mario Lazar after he was found seriously injured at his home on Poplar Road, Earlsdon.

Police confirmed this afternoon that the family knows her and that David-Mario was in their care at the time of the incident.

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The property remains sealed while police carry out a thorough forensic examination.

A post-mortem examination carried out yesterday confirms that the young man, who was about to turn six, died of a stab wound.

Today the parents of the boy, known to his family and friends as Mario, have issued a statement reminding their “beautiful boy” that he was a “very happy boy”.

David-Mario Lazar, known as Mario, died of a stab wound
(Image: West Midlands Police)

His devastated parents, Cristina and Dorinel, said: “Our son, he was the most beautiful boy in the world. He was a very happy boy. He was always smiling from the moment he woke up until he went to sleep. He had so much energy. He loved to dance and sing. He is all our hearts, all our love and he is everything to both of us.”

Superintendent Ronan Tyrer, of Coventry PoliceHe said: “Our investigation continues into the desperately sad death of David-Mario.

“Our specialist officers are supporting their parents and we cannot understand the pain they must feel. Our thoughts are with them.

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“David-Mario’s school has been informed and they are contacting the parents and carers of their students. The community is shocked and saddened by the death of this young man.

“We continue to urge people to avoid speculation on social media or sharing posts that could ultimately add to the family’s distress.”

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