Dead bodies and mental health calls take toll on stressed cop

A stressed police response officer who has seen five bodies in the past four weeks has spoken out on the sad reality of the job, after a request for two days off “for a break from it all” was refused.

The officer, who is based in the northwest of England, said “it’s no wonder police officers leave work, break down mentally and physically.” Taking to Twitter to “rant” to his 12,300 followers, @northwestcop said: “I’ve seen 5 dead bodies in four weeks.

“Spoke to a 19 year old girl who had already had her throat cut. Treated a man for male rape. First at the scene of a serious stabbing and dozens of mental health calls. Just asked for two days off for a break.” . everything and my annual leave was refused.

“It’s no wonder police officers walk off the job, break down mentally and physically. This will happen to police officers every day across the country.”

“Compare someone who has my service with the same salary, but works 9 to 5 in an office. Who’s the idiot for being on the front lines?”

The tweet received more than 4,000 likes in the first 12 hours after it was posted, and the officer received hundreds of supportive comments. Responding to one, the officer said, “I’ll be fine, just ranting to 11k people on my phone to get it out. A bunch of anti-police stuff again right now, showing that this is what the good guys who show up every day are doing.” holding on. 20,000 extra cops say…”

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Sharing the tweet Lee Broadbent, chairman of the Greater Manchester Police Federation, said: “Ventilation is a red flag for me. It’s the way people respond when they feel no one is listening.”

“I don’t know where you are, but please reach out and speak to a local representative. If you don’t feel comfortable/safe staying local, DM me. I’ve walked your path. I have the scars. I’ll do my best to help.”

And @CopWellbeing, a Twitter account for “daily discussions on all things policing” that is “passionate about the mental well-being of our first responders,” urged the stressed officer to take sick time if necessary. . “Hope you’re okay, talk to someone, internally or externally, if needed,” @CopWellbeing said.

“As others have said, don’t force yourself if you need that break. Take sick leave and at your back-to-work meeting make it absolutely clear why you were out.”

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