Dear ladies… Your hair falls due to these three diseases, so never make this mistake!

Hair Fall In Female: Women all over the world always run after good and beautiful hair, but often women complain that their hair is falling too much. For this, she uses many types of products. Takes many treatments. But the difference is not visible only then. But they do not know what is the reason behind hair fall. Actually, many diseases occurring in women are responsible for hair loss. Because of this, their hair falls continuously and women are unaware of this. Let us know which are the diseases due to which hair fall increases.


It is the biggest reason behind hair fall in women. Thyroid In India, more than 40 women are suffering from thyroid. This is such a disease due to which the hormones in the body become unbalanced and hair falls a lot. According to a report by Healthline, thyroid can cause hair loss. Actually t3, t4 hormone released from thyroid gland is helpful in hair growth. Both of these work to control the pigment of the hair. If both of these are less or more, hair starts falling more. Also, any women who are suffering from thyroid, it is necessary to treat them on time and it is also necessary to take medicines, otherwise there can be many more serious problems.


It has been found in many researches that due to iron deficiency hair growth stops and they become weak and start breaking. Due to lack of sufficient amount of blood, there is a lack of oxygen in the scalp, which causes hair fall. According to experts, if you are deficient in iron and your hair is falling fast, then you should eat foods rich in iron. If you want, you can also take iron supplement with the advice of a doctor.

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Women become so busy in household and outside work that they become victims of stress. Because of this, women can have a lot of hair fall. In such a situation, one should try to stay away from stress. According to a study by Columbia University, stress not only increases your hair fall, but it also causes premature graying. According to experts, daily stress promotes Telo Gen Effluvium. In this process, due to stress, a large number of hair follicles move to the resting phase. Because of this, if you comb your hair or wash your hair, then a large number of hair starts breaking. To get rid of stress, apart from yoga, meditation, you can relax yourself by spending time outside the house or by taking counseling therapy.

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