Dengue fever causes weight loss in newborns?

Dengue fever has become a serious health problem during pregnancy, which can negatively impact the weight of newborns. Experts say that the birth weight of children of pregnant women with dengue fever may be lower than normal, which can have long-term effects on the child’s health. Today, we will know if dengue fever during pregnancy causes weight loss in newborns?


What is dengue fever?


dengue fever one viral It is an infection transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito. This virus spreads rapidly and is particularly common during the monsoon season. Season Is more active in. Symptoms of dengue fever include high fever, HeadachePain in muscles and joints, skin Rashes, and sometimes bleeding, may be involved. For pregnant women, this condition can be even more dangerous.


effects of dengue fever during pregnancy


Dr Shalini Mehra, Obstetrician and Gynecologist, says: Pregnant women Dengue fever can be very risky. One of the serious problems caused by dengue is low birth weight of newborns. Our study found that children of pregnant women with dengue fever weight May be less than normal by about 200 to 500 grams.

The major impact of dengue fever during pregnancy is due to the interruption of blood circulation and nutritional supply. This problem is caused by the placenta not functioning properly, causing the baby Sufficient Nutrition is not available in sufficient quantities.


case studies


A study conducted on pregnant women with dengue fever at a major hospital in Delhi found that 35% of them had babies with a birth weight of less than 2.5 kg. This condition of the baby Health This can pose a serious threat to babies as low birth weight babies can face problems such as infections, breathing problems and developmental delays.

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Sharing her experiences, Suman Sharma, 30, who participated in the study, said: I had dengue in the seventh month of pregnancy. My son’s birth weight was only 2.2 kg. Although she is healthy now, she faced many health issues initially.


prevention and treatment


There are many important steps that can be taken to prevent dengue fever during pregnancy. First, one should follow proper safety measures to avoid mosquito bites. This includes using mosquito nets, using mosquito repellent creams, and wearing long-sleeved clothing.

According to Dr Mehra, pregnant women should take dengue symptoms seriously and consult a doctor immediately. It is very important to start testing and treatment immediately as soon as dengue symptoms appear, to prevent complications.


Role of government and health organizations


Dengue prevention awareness campaigns are being conducted by the government and health agencies. Efforts are being made to reduce the number of mosquitoes through regular fogging and sanitation campaigns. In addition, special health camps and counselling sessions are being conducted for pregnant women so that they can know the ways to prevent dengue.

Dengue fever during pregnancy is a major health problem, which can negatively impact the weight of newborns. To prevent this condition, pregnant women should take all measures to avoid mosquitoes and seek immediate medical attention as soon as symptoms of dengue appear. With the efforts of the government and health organizations, this problem can be effectively controlled, so that the health of all pregnant women and their children can be protected.

The post office Does dengue fever during pregnancy cause low birth weight in newborns? first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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