Dengue patients will be cured by using this trick

Dengue Fever: Like every year, this year also the fear of dengue remains on the people. Till now thousands of people have fallen prey to this serious disease. At the same time, many people have also died due to this dangerous disease. There is an atmosphere of fear in the country regarding dengue, due to which many types of rumors are also spreading. We have to bring the facts to the fore, putting an end to many types of rumors related to this. Keeping this in mind, we have brought some special tricks for you, using which you can combat this disease without any fear.

Control of falling platelets

The most worrying thing in dengue fever is when the platelets of the patient start falling. If the patient’s platelets start falling continuously, then the problem is serious because he can also die. Do not make it difficult for platelets to fall in dengue fever. For this, we have brought such tricks, using which you can control the falling platelets of the patient at home, ie within 2-3 days.

Goat’s milk

Goat milk is rich in vitamins and minerals. Which is very effective in fighting diseases. Goat’s milk is rich in B6, B12, Vitamin D, folic acid and protein. Because of which it is very beneficial for the body. This is the reason why goat’s milk is very effective in fighting dangerous diseases.

Giloy juice

Giloy juice is the best way to increase platelet count in dengue fever. Platelets can be easily increased by drinking Giloy juice. You will be surprised to know that Giloy juice is more beneficial in dengue than medicine and the patient also recovers quickly.

papaya leaf juice

The juice of papaya leaves is also very beneficial in dengue virus. If there is a dengue patient in your house, then make papaya leaf juice and drink it. You will see the benefit within one to two days.

  There are many health benefits of eating white onion in the summer season, it is also beneficial in stomach infection.

Also read: Dengue Fever: Why do platelets drop in dengue? Do this so that there is no chance of offering them

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